Chapter 8

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It was Friday, August 11th, 1995, and Harry was fully ready to travel to Potter Manor for the first time and see his family home. Severus had gotten things set up at his home on Spinner's End; making a copy of all his things to keep there and take original items he needed or wanted while living at the manor with Harry. The last thing Severus had to do was link up one of the fireplaces to his home so that if Dumbledore showed up there to look for Severus; he would know and be able to apparate back and make it seem like he was handling business with Voldemort or something. Harry was the one who suggested the idea of linking up fireplaces after learning it could be done and in a sense; Spinner's end would become much like an extension to Potter Manor, but remain where it was. Harry had sent out letters to Ron and Hermione, informing them both he was just fine and couldn't wait to see them at the start of the school year in September, and also in Diagon Alley to get their things for fifth year. Harry also sent a letter to Sirius, letting him know that he was safe and currently at Malfoy Manor. Also that Sirius couldn't tell a soul about where he really was and if he wanted to visit, the Malfoy's had said it was okay to. Harry knew Sirius got the letter because Shadow had returned quickly after sending it off with Hedwig, so she could teach Shadow where to go and how things worked.

"After breakfast, Harry, would you like to leave for Potter Manor?" Severus inquired.

"Sure," Harry replied. "I'll do one more check to make sure I have everything. Are you all coming too?" He asked the Malfoy's.

"Would...You like us too?" Narcissa questioned.

"You are the secret keeper, and telling us means we can find and see it." Lucius reminded.

"You all swore vows that you would never repeat the information I give you. That's enough for me to start trusting you a bit," Harry replied. "So is that a yes to coming?"

"Oh, please?" Narcissa beamed.

"We'll be ready," Draco stated.

Harry went back to eating his breakfast, then the rest of them did too. It was about an hour later at 9:30 am when they had all finished and were in the main room to wait as Harry was doing one more sweep of his things in Malfoy Manor. Finally, Harry returned to the group as Severus had his wand ready for the shrinking process to make carrying much easier.

"Excited, Harry?" Lucius chuckled.

"A little, yes," Harry responded. "Are we ready?" He prepared to flip his ring around as Griphook instructed him to.

"Ready," Severus, Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco said.

"Then hold on," Harry smiled. Suddenly, the fireplace roared and showed bright green flames as a figure stepped out. "Sirius!" Harry charged forward to instantly hug the man tightly.

"Harry!" Sirius took his godson into his arms, hugging him tight and sighed in relief to see him okay. "Are you alright, my pup?"

"I'm okay, Sirius..." Harry reassured.

The fireplace roared again as this time, Remus Lupin came through. "Where's Harry, have you rescued him?"

"I've got him, Remus," Sirius informed.

"Cub..." Remus gave Harry a hug. "Are you safe? Why are you here?" He eyed the Malfoy's and Severus intently.

"Settle down, you two...The Malfoy's, nor Severus, have done anything to me but help," Harry mentioned. "I'll explain if you relax."

Remus and Sirius, reluctantly, calmed down as everyone took a seat; the trip seemingly postponed for a bit longer. "Tell us, Harry," Remus invited.

"He was being abused by his muggle relatives," Severus remarked. "Narcissa and Lucius took him out of the house and here, then called me to help heal him."

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