Chapter 6

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As promised, Griphook got right to work on arranging for Harry to be able to get to Potter Manor undetected and told Harry to return in two hours to collect the portkey that was going to be made to take Harry right home and Severus too, since he was Harry's guardian now. Sure, it was temporary at the moment, but surely, Albus Dumbledore would be found guilty of his crimes against Harry. After leaving the bank, Harry, Lucius, and Severus met up with Narcissa and Draco for lunch, which lasted about forty-five minutes. Lucius and Severus explained their findings at the bank, and talked of Potter Manor with Harry's permission. Narcissa and Draco both had a full understanding of things, including that Harry was now Lord Potter-Slytherin. The meal was nice, and then Lucius and Severus went off to handle a couple things while Narcissa took Harry and Draco around to the shops for their new wardrobes. Narcissa was mainly there to handle paying, and maybe advice as to what would be best to have. Harry got a full stock of things that would last him a year or two, hopefully. Cloaks, shoes, shirts, pants, robes, dress robes, and a couple suits too. Of course, there was also underwear, socks, and personal care items too. Harry had never been so tired in his life; he despised shopping and he wondered how some women enjoyed walking around endlessly to buy clothes or whatever else they wanted.

Thankfully, Draco gave Harry a tip about having the purchases shrunk down to carry in his pockets until they got back to the manor, then one of the adults could unshrink them. Harry took the advice and it was much easier, but still quite a lot to have. Narcissa and the boys met Lucius and Severus back at the bank at the end of the two-hour mark. All of them were inside the office as Griphook took his seat before the group.

"Welcome back, Lord Potter-Slytherin," Griphook greeted.

"Please, call me Harry, Griphook," Harry stated.

"As you wish," Griphook nodded. "Now, I've taken care of everything as requested and have some updates for you too. First, you know I must ask as there are two new people present this time."

"Yes, they're allowed to hear," Harry nodded. "They are Lucius's wife and son." He added.

"With that settled. Shall we get right into it?" Griphook inquired.

"Lay it on me," Harry replied.

"I've set up a portkey to take you to Potter Manor; it will take you right outside the main gates. A safety measure for unwanted followers tagging along on the key's ability. When you arrive, set your Potter Lordship ring against the gate and it will connect you to the wards automatically. Once you're keyed in, you may enter the grounds. The house elves living there and who are bonded to the Potter family be waiting in the main foyer when you pass the entrance doors; they will be alerted their master has returned home. I have a list here of all the elves working there at current," Griphook gave Harry the list of names. Harry gave it a once over to see that it would give the name, boy or girl, then where they were assigned in the household.

"There is one other elf who is not on the list, but your inheritance test revealed has sworn loyalty to you alone." Griphook mentioned.

"Dobby?" Harry inquired.

"That would him." Griphook nodded. "It seems he ended up bonding with you as his new master after you set him free some years ago."

"I freed him, how can I be his master?" Harry asked.

"House elves have the ability to bond to a new master of their choosing. It's rare due to the nature of how most elves are treated these days, but for those who are freed end up swearing full loyalty to the one who set them free and bond to that person. I suspect is the case with Dobby when you set him free from my household," Lucius stated. "Dobby remains loyal to you, whom he considers a friend and will still do anything for."

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