Chapter 5

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It had been an eventful morning since coming to the bank. It didn't feel like much had happened yet, but it did. Harry had just learned of a vast fortune he inherited by being the last Potter in the family until a time came until he had children of his own, and he was going to be taking on the title of Lord Potter as well; something to protect his house and himself from any more of Albus Dumbledore's annoying interferences. It had made Harry happy to know he somehow impressed Severus, and to hear that Severus said he belonged in Slytherin was oddly comforting. Harry felt like maybe he should have just accepted the hat's decision back in first year; he probably would have thrived with the other snakes. Of course, this revelation by Severus got Griphook to inform all three of them at Harry inherited another lordship, and it was that of Lord Slytherin. Harry was shocked, and confused, but he only looked at Griphook to explain.

"The heir of Slytherin is Tom Marvolo Riddle, or now, Voldemort since he refashioned his name when he became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Least that's what he told me down in the chamber during second year," Harry remarked. "He refused to use his muggle father's name, so he rearranged the letters of his name to Lord Voldemort." He shrugged.

"You know way too much about the dark lord for comfort, Harry," Lucius said.

"Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. You have to know your enemy to beat them," Harry told the man. "Now...Griphook, could you please explain how I can take the lordship for Slytherin, which I didn't even know you could claim lordships to specific houses."

"As you know, Salazar Slytherin was a founder of Hogwarts and the one who built the chamber years ago when Hogwarts was first formed and left behind a creature," Griphook began.

"Basilisk, yes." Harry nodded.

"You've seen it?" Severus asked.

"I killed it." Harry told him. "I'll give you details later. Griphook?" He invited the Goblin to continue.

"Tell me, Mr. Potter...Are you familiar with the Deathly Hollows?" Griphook questioned.

"No," Harry admitted.

"It's an age-old story in the Tales of Beedle Bard," Lucius explained. "Three brothers outsmarted Death itself, so he granted them each one thing they wanted. The three items are the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak."

"And it's not just a story, Mr. Potter. I myself only know of one of the items being the Elder Wand, but no one knows where it ended up. It had been in possession of Gellert Grindelwald, but it's believed that Albus Dumbledore won it from him in battle." Griphook informed. "The stone and the cloak seemed to have vanish."

"You said Invisibility Cloak?" Harry inquired.

"Yes, why?" Severus wondered.

Harry opened his bag and pulled out a cloak. "Dumbledore gave this to me my first Christmas at Hogwarts, with only a note that said your father left this in my possession before he died, it's time it was returned to you. Use it well. As Ron brilliantly pointed out when I put it on...It's an invisibility cloak. From what I understand...It's been in my family for generations of Potter's." He explained.

"Am I to assume that cloak is how you've managed to sneak around the Hogwarts grounds the last few years?" Severus asked.

Harry tensed up, biting his bottom lip. "Y-Yes." Harry admitted.

"We'll be having some rules about that cloak while you're in my care, Mr. Potter." Severus told him.

"Yes, sir," Harry nodded.

"You having that cloak just makes what I'm about to tell you more than simple theory," Griphook stated. "You, Harry Potter, descend down from one of the brothers. As did Salazar Slytherin and Lord Voldemort,"

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