Chapter 7

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Today, Harry and Severus were going to the Dursley home to set up the golem to keep up the image that Harry was living there. It was about 5:00 pm as they arrived because Harry informed Severus that Miss. Figg would be out for weekly Bingo night and they had needed an opening where there was no chance of being seen. Though, the secondary protection was being under Harry's cloak. Harry and Severus walked up to the Dursley home and Severus knocked three times. Finally, the door opened to reveal Vernon Dursley. Severus pushed his way inside. Harry closed the door and pulled the cloak off to reveal them.

"Bringing him back so soon? I told you nobody wanted you, boy," Vernon said as Harry flinched and looked down.

Severus pulled his wand and held it on the uncle, Dudley and Petunia had come into the main hall to see the sight of Severus and Harry there. "Silence yourself, Dursley," Severus remarked. "I'm not here to bring Potter back to you. In fact, we're here only to ensure that the headmaster who left Harry in your care all those years ago doesn't suspect he is gone at all. So unless you desire to face my wrath for how you've treated Lily's child...You will be quiet and play along accordingly. Have I made myself clear?"

Vernon nodded his head a few times. "You knew Lily?" Petunia asked.

"Ah, Tuney, so unpleasant to see you again," Severus sneered as Harry found himself wondering why Severus would call Petunia that.

"Severus Snape?" Petunia asked. "It's been so long,"

"Not long enough." Severus scoffed.

"You two know each other?" Vernon asked.

"He's from Cokeworth, on Spinner's End. Lily and I were walking distance to him..." Petunia revealed. "They became best friends and both attended that magic school together."

Harry didn't know Severus was his mother's best friend. Well, learn something new every day. "You mean Hogwarts," Severus told Petunia.

"Yes, there." Petunia replied. "Now, what do you want?"

"I spoke of my intentions." Severus stated. "Miss. Figg was assigned by Dumbledore to check in on Harry's status every week on Wednesdays and she reports to him that the boy is still here and well. Obviously, Harry will not be remaining here because you're incapable of restraining yourselves from abusing him. However, if you do not desire to be harassed by Dumbledore, nor have Harry found and forced back into your lives...You will do as I say." He remarked.

"Very well...What must we do?" Vernon asked.

"I am going to construct a golem that will take on the appearance of Harry Potter. It will remain here during the summers, to make Dumbledore believe Harry is staying with you and safe in the blood wards. The golem will be magically imbued to only act as Harry on Wednesdays from the hours of 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm. It will respond as Harry to speak with Figg and ensure all is well here. The rest of the time, this golem will act as a lightweight statue you can put away. When school resumes, I will bring Harry here the morning he is to board the train; you will take him to King's Cross. This is to let Figg report to Dumbledore that you took Harry to the station and he did cross the platform to board the train. She'll follow and ensure he's dropped off. Am I understood?"

"Yes," Petunia and Vernon nodded.

"Good." Severus said as he pulled a crystal from his pocket. "Potter," He looked to the boy. Harry pulled out a few strands of hair and gave them to Severus. The man set things on the floor and raised his wand, muttering a spell as the items Severus put together began to shake and fuse. It only took moments for there to be a Harry look-a-like standing in the room. Severus uttered something else as a strand of blue formed from Harry's forehead to the golem's. "Harry, I need you to think only of the check-ins that Figg does. This is to ensure the golem knows how to respond and act. Harry nodded as he brought forth the memories and let them flow into the golem. The connection broke afterwards as the golem opened its eyes, giving a single nod and then remaining still and quiet.

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