Part 13

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It was about 7:00am when my alarm started sounding, I was supposed to get up early since I had an appointment at the nail salon at 9:00 and it would take a while to get to the salon, getting up early wasn't the best thing but the only appointment I could make was at that time or at about 9:30pm.
I got ready and headed to the nail salon; my mom was not in the room since she had to go somewhere, it was weird because she would always try to be sneaky about it and she would never fully tell me was she was actually doing.
After I got my nails done I headed to one of the restaurants at the hotel to go grab some breakfast; my mom was still not back in the room  which was really weird since she had left before I did.


I was sitting at the table while waiting for my food when suddenly a guy sat down in the chair next to mine, he looked really familiar, I knew I had seen him somewhere before but I just couldn't figure out where.

"Hey" says the guy

"Hey" I say with a confused look.

"Just a random question, are you doing anything this afternoon" asked the guy.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Just to know" responded the guy as he got up from the chair and left.

It was a small interaction but it was still weird considering that he looked really familiar.
I was having my breakfast when I saw my mom walking on her way to the room, she was wearing a flowery dress which confused me since I thought she was at the gym the whole time.
When she saw me she made her way over to where I was at.

"I thought you were at the gym, Where were you?" I said.

"Running some errands" she said while talking a piece of my waffle.

"What kinda errands" I asked.

"Nothing interesting, btw you are going to be alone this afternoon I have something to do" she says.

"I can go with you, what are you doing" I said

"It's not important, and you should just stay here don't want you to get bored" she said.

"Well at what time are you coming back, we could go grab dinner afterwards." I said

"I may come back a little late" she said while giving a fake smile.

"Anyways I have to go do something" she said while getting up from the chair before letting me say something.

Even though all of this was weird I was starting to get used to it.
It's been a week since she been avoiding talking to me about what she is doing, and her going places without telling me or wanting to bring me with her.


It was around 4:40pm when I heard a knock on the door, may mom was not at the hotel so had to go, when I opened the door there was nobody there with made me think it was probably just a kid trying to pull a prank.
I walk over to my bed when I head another knock, which I ignored.
After a minute there was another know I walked over to the door this time waiting there to try and catch the kid.
After a few seconds I opened the door again but still there was nobody there, I made my way back to my bed when I noticed that someone had slipped a piece of paper.
I hurried to open the paper since it could be from the boy, and it was.

"Come to the soccer field in 10?" Was written in the paper.

A/N: very short chapter sorry 😣

Endless summer -Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now