Part 14

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"Come to the soccer field in 10?" Said the note that the boy had left under my door.
I hesitated before going since I'd been avoiding him for the past few days, trying to prevent my mom from suspecting anything.
After fen minutes had passed, i finally left the room and headed to the field where I was supposed to meet with the boy.
I hadn't given it much thought to what I would say in cases he asked me whether I had been ignoring him, which I really hoped he wouldn't.
As I made my way to the soccer field, I saw a woman who looked pretty similar to my mom. She was walking quickly while talking on the phone, heading g to the outdoor patio. I tried to not to think about it too much since my mom was probably not even at the hotel.
Even if she was, it was very unlikely that she would come to the fields, especially at this time of the day.


As I got closer to the soccer field I saw that the boy was there with three of his friends playing soccer.
I felt a slight relief as I saw his friends since there was less likely that he would ask me why I was avoiding him and it was always fun when his friends where there plus it would always made things less awkward.
As he saw me, he stoped playing and jogged over to where I was standing.

"Hey" he said with a big smile

"Hii" I replay trying to match

"How have you been" He asked meas we started to walk towards the field together.

As we got there I sat on a beach while he finished playing with his friends, which I did not mind at all; it was nice to be out instead of being stuck in the hotel room almost everyday.
I watched them play, while enjoying the air and the breeze coming from the beach which was not far from here. Every now and then the boy would smile at me and come and asked if I was okay.
After they stopped playing, he came over to me, while his friends headed for their things on the other side of the field.

"Sorry for making you wait" he said, sitting down next to me.

"Don't worry, it was fun to watch you play, I replied with a smile.

"Do you want to go grab some ice cream?" Asked the boy

"Sure" I said


After the boy said goodbye to his friends who were still picking up their stuff , we headed out toward the ice cream parlor.
I had told the boy who I had seen a lady that looked like my mother walking around the hotel so we decided to walk by the beach instead of the going through the hotel, even though it would take more time.
After getting the ice cream we decided to seat down at the tables in front of the shop.

"So" said the boy while making a pause as he took a bite of his ice cream.

In that moment I was afraid that he was going to ask why I been avoiding him in the past few days but thankfully he didn't.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me later tonight" he said while talking another spoonful of his ice cream.

"I'll have to see" I said with a positive tone.

I hated not being able to tell him yes right away, but I couldn't make any promises since I had to either find a way to convince my mom to let me go or sneak out.

He nodded, understanding but a bit disappointed. "I get it, just let me know if you can."

After that he told me all the details about the party and I told him about how I had to convince my mom somehow which I was probably not gonna be able to do.
The party was going to begin at 10:30pm which made sneaking out a way better option, I could just say that I was going to bed early and then sneak out.

We keep chatting for a few minutes before heading back to the hotel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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