Chapter 1

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Isabel would skip all her classes to be with her girlfriend Grace then appear in English to skip doing her work to focus on the teacher. Isabel would quietly write in her notebook what she would love to do with her teacher if they were together by day or night if the teacher came over she would cover it then pretend to do some class work even though she wouldn't focus on that at all. Isabel has beauty from her beautiful; she is a sixteen girl with curly blonde hair, hazel eyes that change color with her mood, and petite.

Isabel whispered to herself, "Damn, I wish Lillian would see me more than just a student." Lillian is a beautiful teacher, young early twenties woman with soft brunette hair, beautiful green eyes, and a thin figure like a model. Heard one of her students speak she didn't know which one she scanned the room they were all doing their assignments, was grading the assignment on Love and one student she recognized who did very well was Isabel.

Lillian called for Isabel as the young girl slowly came up front saying, "Yes."

Lillian placed the paper in front of her with a one-hundred percent on it as she replied, "This is the best you have done all semester I can't believe you're failing on something so simple, you have talent, Isabel."

Isabel wanted to wait until after everyone left to speak with her teacher thought she knew Grace wouldn't appreciate her making up most of the class credit by writing an assignment on something her teacher would give her so responded, "Can I do extra credit at home to bring up my grade?" Lillian studied the girl eyes seeing that she is willing to put the effort in responding, "You could write me an essay on who you are in love with currently since that seems to be your interest at the moment."

Isabel knew this is a bad idea for her to write something on her teacher the one she has been after since she started high school, Isabel never knew her assignment would ever come to this so she replied, "Can you give me something else please?"

Lillian raised her eyebrow responding, "Why? What is wrong with this assignment? Don't you have a boyfriend?"

Isabel felt embarrassed at this moment from her teacher not knowing she is a lesbian. Isabel instantly replied, "I am not with a guy, I am with a girl and this assignment wouldn't involve her anyways, it'd involve someone else."

Lillian took an interest in this as she placed her hands on her face on her desk with such a look of amazed responding, "Oh, care to talk about it."

Isabel instantly shook her head no going back to her desk in no time to finish the assignment as Lillian stood up announcing to the class saying, "We have an impressive writer in here her name is Isabel."

Isabel stood up from the shame of seeing everyone clapping for her goal of writing an assignment that was easy of an essay for that reasoning; she took a seat back down when the bell rings soon she tries to bolt then Lillian calls for her again saying, "We can talk now Isabel."

Isabel walked up to her desk replying, "After embarrassing me, do you think I want to speak to you."

Lillian didn't hold back on this firing teenager responding, "That is a compliment from your classmates maybe you should appreciate them type of things in reality."

Isabel started to walk off then Lillian grabbed her replying, "You stay with me, as now I want you to write me a ten-page essay on appreciation maybe you will learn something from it."

Isabel snatched her arm away responding, "You know what you're just my teacher, I can toss all the assignments and not graduate, I am sure you would love that wouldn't you."

Lillian didn't like Isabel's attitude at all towards her as she decided to call the front office seeing if someone else can take over her next class in the library. Hurried to lock the classroom door closing the blind saying, "Okay, Isabel now it is just us, care to tell me what is going on?"

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