Chapter 10

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Isabel gets in her room tearing everything up from her bed, clothes, pictures and so on taking all her frustration out as Sadie knocked on the door saying, "Isabel it is the middle of the night, what are you doing?"

Isabel bursts open the door replying, "I don't have to tell you anything Sadie will you get off my back."

Sadie shoved Isabel in the room placing her on the bed responding, "You need to settle down, or I will get Dale in here you will are being sent to a Military Academy for Girls. Now all I want to do is talk with you to see what is going on? especially since you attend to be out past curfew every night since you got here."

Isabel took a deep breath slowly replying,

"I have been seeing...seeing...seeing Lillian because I miss her and used to be together twenty-four seven. Now she has a roommate that is a female and..and...and....I..uh...slapped Lillian for having another woman in the picture so yeah I lost my temper came home to talk to Faith. She has pushed me away too because of me kissing her an trying to date her over Lillian."

Sadie laughed at the fact that Isabel tried to get with Faith, but she lightly patted Isabel responding,

"One, you had no reason to slap Lillian for her finding a roommate. Second, making out with my daughter knowing she isn't lesbian was a selfish move. Third, you need to clean this mess up and settle your nerves. Fourth I hear you hit on Faith again I will send you to Military School now back off of her an let her be happy with her boyfriend."

Isabel couldn't believe it Faith's mother is so close-minded and calling her selfish when she isn't trying to be. Isabel takes a deep breath then replies, "I do not want to start a conflict with this family but seriously Sadie you're daughter had a crush on me the moment I arrived to speak with her or at least support her choices."

Sadie stood up and walked out as Isabel cleaned up her room an sighed as she knew it would take her all night into the day to get it cleaned.

Lillian woke up in her room with soft music on that soothed her dreams as she wondered where Serenity was since it is dawn then she smelt the fantastic coffee as she stretched her body to wake up more. Serenity softly knocked on the door to see Lillian wide away with a smile saying, "Good morning sunshine, wow that mark on your face is bad to let me bandage it up at least."

Lillian gently patted Serenity's hand replying, "That won't be necessary but thank you for everything even staying here plus making breakfast including coffee mmmmmm you know how to wake a woman up."

Serenity blushed with a small smile responding, "I am doing this because you are beautiful you needed comfort."

Lillian blushed a bit redder than Serenity did, but they both smiled enjoying each others company.

Isabel cleaned up the whole room ended up texting Lillian:

"Lillian, this is Isabel, I am sorry for slapping you and getting jealous of you this new chick. I understand if you want to cut all ties even though I am not sure Faith would forgive me either since I tried to kiss her and make her mine before I realized how bad I have been. Lillian just know I love you and always will."

Lillian's phone went off that morning as she and Serenity were getting to know each other more as she replied to it:

"Isabel, I am sorry, but for now we are just going to be friends until you can learn to handle your temper and quit accusing me of cheating every time I want someone in my life. You can come meet my roommate Serenity when you calm down because after you read this, you will be fuming again."

Isabel read it instead of being mad cried her eyes out feeling so ashamed for harshly hurting Lillian as she sent back a message:

"I will be over in a week, or so when I calm down no I am not fuming, I am in tears though. Lillian, you are my world and always will be but I should of no better than to accuse you of such since you are a grown woman and I am a teenager. I am once again glad you found a roommate wish you both the best in the living situation."

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