Chapter 7

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Isabel wakes up seeing daylight shine through the airplane window as she kisses Lillian on the head realizing that they made the best love yet on a plane in a bathroom as Lillian's eyes flutter open she says, "Good morning beautiful."

Lillian stretches as Isabel smiles replying, "Good morning my wonderful lady."

They kiss each other quickly then releasing just as fast, Isabel feeling more better since last night with all the excitement. Isabel looks over at Lillian saying,

"I must admit after that short argument last night, I enjoyed making love to you again and also admit I am falling even more in love with you than I thought, I don't want to make a new family yet if it is to keep being with you I'll do anything. It is more than just making love to you, running from every person who wants us or some other lines it's just I am so in love with you an I am not sure how to react."

Lillian laughed with a smile on her face she responding,

"My dear lovely Isabel, you have nothing to worry. Plus, I have one other surprise for you it has to wait through this time until we are officially living together and settled into our life more. Think of it this way it is worth the wait in my opinion."

Isabel seemed lost in the conversation just couldn't wait for the next surprise because she is so in love with a beautiful woman who became her teacher and now her best friend, soul mate, and partner through it all.

Isabel see's that they have finally arrived in Michigan as they walk off the plane Isabel grabs hold of Lillian's hand saying, "Let's go get lunch inside and get ready for our next flight."

Lillian smiled replying, "Sounds good, yet we still got until overnight at least until we make it to Washington."

Isabel nodded with a smile responding, "Then we will have some fun too not unless our next flight gets delayed then we might end up staying with people and sneaking off into bathrooms."

Lillian shook her head giggling at the thought as they rushed inside an announcer came over the intercom saying, "We are looking for Isabel that is about seventeen and need her upfront urgently attention we are looking for a young girl name Isabel if you see her bring her up front."

Lillian looks at Isabel saying, "They can't take you from me not now, we are almost home to where we need to be that is together."

Isabel hugged Lillian whispering, "I am going to see what is going on I'll be right back." Isabel kissed Lillian's cheek and rushed to the front.

Isabel gets to the front seeing her parents right there from behind the crowd she slowly walks forward to both of them saying, "Hi mom and dad, what brings you out here? I thought work caught up with you both to see me go anywhere."

Isabel's mom Cara replied,"What do you think we are doing here? We came to bring you back home to where everyone is; you aren't supposed to be going anywhere as it is alone."

Isabel looked down then felt hands gracefully touch her lower back it was Lillian as she said,

"Oh, hello folks, I am sorry for not letting you know that Isabel has been helping me with my reports for the school back at home, I needed her urgently for this report to Washington, she is a bright student of mine."

Cara and Nick looked at one another then Nick replied, "Well if that is the case then we will head back as we got work to head back too especially with this awkward project of "Equality" for same-sex couples."

Lillian nodded holding Isabel in her arms responding, "You could always write one in Isabel's view, I mean she is a lesbian and very good with her choices."

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