Chapter 13

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Isabel is excited it's her eighteenth birthday today, and she couldn't wait for this day with Lillian even as weeks passed by living with Serenity and Faith too has become so much fun, Isabel is thrilled to see that she gets to marry Lillian eventually to now. Isabel jumped up with joy, bouncing around as Lillian came up behind her leaving Isabel a deep passionate kiss saying, "Happy Birthday my love."

Isabel blushed deep red replying, "Thank you, baby, can't believe I am finally eighteen, so what are we doing today?"

Lillian laughed responding, "We are going to have cake and presents plus take you shopping for new clothes, heels and anything else you want that you probably haven't had the money to get. Then in a few weeks, I am taking you on a trip once you get out of school which is at the end of the month, we are going somewhere, where we haven't been since we got here and your other surprise is later this evening when we are alone."

Isabel kissed Lillian with excitement replying, "I so can't wait, so what are we doing in the meantime?"

Lillian smiled responding, "We are going enjoy our morning breakfast, and coffee then watches some television until about noon, but Serenity and Faith will be out all day today plus getting your cake for this evening, they are going to be too busy to stick around here today."

Isabel raised her eyebrows wondering what Lillian didn't tell her that is happening later on.

Isabel called one of her new friends from school named Selena, Selena is a seventeen-year-old with long black hair down to the middle of her back, the frame of a Barbie doll and purplish black eyes that look like witch eyes to Isabel it seemed cool to know a witch like her. Isabel heard Selena on the other end, "Hello Isabel, Happy Birthday! What is going on today?"

Isabel sighed replying, "Thank you and nothing until later this afternoon with Lillian wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall catch a movie or something."

Selena let out a slow sigh responding,

"I can't help Lillian get stuff ready for your special day, don't worry you will like it, we all wouldn't do this if we didn't love you by the way when you go shopping look for a black dress that will go with your curves it'll make Lillian melt."

Isabel smiled with joy replying, "Got it! thanks, Selena."

Selena smiled on her end responding, "Your welcome, later."

Isabel got off the phone with Selena then went up to her room seeing as she is alone now and everyone is busy, so she went to finish up her novel "Loving A Teacher" that she started while in class one day. Isabel fell asleep working on the novel as a hand lightly touched her lower back whispering, "Isabel, it's time to go to the mall for clothes."

Isabel startled awake looking at Lillian saying, "Oh wow, how long have I fell asleep for?"

Lillian smiled kissing her nose replying, "Only about twenty minutes not very long."

Isabel looked down at her notebook where her novel is written realizing she only wrote a paragraph responding, "I guess this didn't come out very well."

Lillian picked up the notebook reading through the twenty pages whistling replying, "Babe, how long have you been writing this story?"

Isabel looked down responding, "Since last semester in language arts."

Lillian grabbed Isabel by the face and kissed her with passion then released replying, "It is remarkable you have worked so hard on this story."

Isabel smiled replying, "We better get to the mall before it gets too late because I have no idea what else is going on today, but I am in high spirits."

Dating Miss. Lillian Winning Her Heart: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now