Chapter 3

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Lillian tried to get the words out couldn't though as she bites her lip hard and gripping her hands tightly together trying not to burst from what Isabel said. She replied though, "Isabel, as wonderful as you are and how'd I'd love to have you as my future it isn't possible to just keep seeing Trinity until you are eighteen because having me make love to you is just going to cause more conflict."

Isabel turned around at the heel and walked to her side of the table grabbing a hamburger also a little bit of salad sitting in silence. Lillian ate her lunch in silence as well kept looking up at Isabel so worried that Isabel's emotions may get hay wired and confused over what love is essential since her parents were never around. Isabel stood up from the table grabbing everything took it into the kitchen placing in the sink saying, "I am going out, I will be back tonight to be ready for school tomorrow since you will not want me skipping any more classes this year."

Lillian looked at Isabel startled hearing her say she skipped classes as she replied, "I would much appreciate you getting an education and looking forward to something to accomplish maybe even go to college."

Isabel went to leave as she replied, "Okay Lillian, I will make something of myself once I figure out what I'm gonna be for my life."

Lillian stood up walked over to Isabel giving her a hug responding, "Good, now go have fun see you later and send Trinity my hugs too."

Isabel shrugged walking off closing the door behind her without a word though Lillian tried so hard not to go to the window to see where Isabel, she grabbed the phone texting Isabel saying,

"Isabel, I need you to come back we have a mouse in the apartment and need your help to get rid of it."

Isabel text back quickly as Lillian read the message saying, "Seriously?"

Lillian returned text replying, "Yes, now come back please."

Isabel was back in ten minutes saying, "Okay I'm here now what?"

Lillian came up to her closing the door behind Isabel replying, "You got my attention, Isabel, you want me to have you and you want it your way so here I let go."

Isabel grabbed hold of Lillian's face and kissed with excitement as Lillian returned it with deep passion the urges rise against one another Isabel let go silently saying, "You know your damn risky woman is doing this with me."

Lillian smiled replying, "Just hush up and take me please."

Isabel took that without a fight or argument grabbing hold of Lillian by the hand guiding her to the main room which was Lillian's. Isabel tossed Lillian on the bed as her phone went off instantly as she answered, "Hello?"

The person on the other end is replying, "It is me Trinity thought you were coming over?"

Isabel got off the phone then the door slammed open person saying, "Lillian, where are you?"

Lillian still being luckily dressed bolted out of the room as Isabel cursed, Lillian looked at the woman saying, "Yes, I'm Lillian, and you are?"

The woman spoke,"I am your admirer so that you know I caught you with Isabel and if you two do this, I am going to be disappointed in you."

Lillian looked at the woman replying, "Disappointed? how?"

The women spoke again, "I will call the cops and explain everything on your part."

Lillian spoke up instantly, "I love her; you can't do this."

The woman replied, "I can and will if you let me reveal myself without you doing anything to Isabel."

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