Chapter 8

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Isabel sits next to Faith on the way to her new home as Faith patted Isabel's hand saying, "Don't worry I'm straight and I have a boyfriend so don't expect anything out of me. I may be a bit heavy set with blue eyes an long strawberry blonde hair but I love men in every aspect, I can't imagine myself being lesbian."

Isabel nodded seeing Lillian driving behind them since it is weird seeing a whole new place. Faith kept on talking saying,

"I am sure everyone in our school will like us; unfortunately, Lillian will be working in another school so you won't see her as much not unless you walk to her place after school through dinner is around 5 pm, and our homework has to be finished before we go anywhere. Oh yes, we do go out on weekends to hang with our friends or in your case will be with Lillian since I notice you won't be around much." Isabel looked at Faith replying, "For one, I don't plan on leaving every day to see my girlfriend and second I don't care about making friends, I have always been a loner an, for the most part, I write most of the time or read. So, for now, Faith just let me adjust, and I'll think about "hanging" with you and your friends."

Faith shrugged off as she looked out the window as Isabel sighed saying, "Fine, Faith I'll "hang" out with your groupies on one standard keep boys off of girls and me away from me, I do not need any more drama in my life."

Faith hugged Isabel giggling and clapping her hands with glee like a little girl. They arrive at the new home it is a Victorian home with white shudders, sits two stories high and looks like a wealthy lover home with a pool in the back imagine living in a suburban area with rich people that is what it looks like which freaked Isabel out. She instead has lived in a country area with no friends in the middle of nowhere. Everyone got out of the car as Faith pulled Isabel in quickly, Faith giggly rushing up to the upstairs stopping Isabel in her tracks as she says, "Why do I always get a girly room, ugh time for a change I'm going all black within the next month."

Faith looked at her stunned replying, "I thought you were the girly type, I'm sorry I'll help you redo your room."

Isabel shook her head grabbed her luggage then slammed her bedroom door.

Lillian arrived at her apartment all of a sudden her cell phone buzzed instantly she looked at the number and saw it was from Isabel as she read it slowly:

"Lillian, this is Isabel, I am texting you to tell you I am changing my appearance an going rebel this is not what I wanted when I arrived to appear girly to everyone who notices me. I am not sure why you are attracted to me when I am too nice anyways got to go Faith is crying and apologizing by my door grrrrr...such a wussy."

Lillian stunned by the text unsure how to reply as she came up with something to say:

"Isabel, you listen to me I fell in love with you because you are a smart and gorgeous young lady as you think of me as a smart and beautiful lady. You just moved into this area give everyone a chance to know before you start lashing out Faith doesn't know you she is trying to be nice. Now woman up before I show you how to be a lady again."

Lillian felt relieved sending that text message as she got out of her car and headed to the landowner to get into her apartment before dark feeling as it is going to be a long day with everything coming up so quickly an having a teenage girlfriend has made it so difficult to keep calm. Lillian played with the ring in her pocket wondering if this is even smart to propose to Isabel with her lashing out and starting to change because no one knows her right away. Lillian grabbed her keys to the apartment got things unpacked and took in luxury then her doorbell rang startling her as she went to answer it she peeped through the peephole it was Isabel as she answered the door saying, "What are you doing here? where is the rest of the family?"

Dating Miss. Lillian Winning Her Heart: Volume 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें