Ep 15 - Family Time

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It's been a few days since we found Donnie lying down unconsciously in the scrapyard. Everybody still talks to Donnie like nothing hasn't really happened but Raph's been pretty stiff about the situation. He doesn't really talk to Donnie unless it's about missions.

I guess he's trying to give Donnie some time to think about telling us. But I don't think Donnie would do that honestly. He's not the type to easily open up, other than his unemotional bad boy image. Maybe Raph feels like Donnie's still recovering from the Krang invasion. I dunno. I don't deal with feelings. Dr. Feelings is for that.

I guess Mikey is also feeling quite concerned for Donnie too. He still talks to Donnie as his usual energetic little brother energy but looks like he's worried for him at the same time.

Donnie's cooped himself up in his room, probably doing some of his usual nerdy brainy stuff.

I guess it's time for me to waltz in there and annoy him. Of course, after I grab a snack myself.

Leo walks into the kitchen towards the refrigerator.

"Hey Leo!"

Leo turns around to see Mikey, grabbing onto the refrigerator door handle.
"Oh, hey Mikey. What's up?"

"You hungry? I was just about to make some soup!" Mikey hops onto the countertop, crouching down to meet Leo with eye level.

"Ooh, what kind? I can get the ingredients you need while I still have this cooler open." Leo asked, pointing at the open refrigerator.

"I'm thinking we could go with America's best favorite soup! Chicken noodle soup!" Mikey spread his arms out, clearly excited.

"Ohohohoho, okay. Sounds interesting yet bland buuut I'll give it a taste check. Gotta make sure that soup isn't too toxicingly boring for us to handle."

"Great! First I'll need the main ingredients, which of course is chicken and egg noodles. Chicken broth for that soup. Carrots, onions and celery for vegetables and for additional touches, we'll add thyme, salt and pepper, and rosemary. I'll get the olive oil myself along with the other dishes and the pot." Mikey instructed.

Leo grabs some of the ingredients Mikey had mentioned, placing them onto the countertop for Mikey to easily reach from the stove. Mikey immediately starts whipping up the pot after he has acquired the needed ingredients. Set into chef mode, Mikey swiftly but precisely and gracefully prepares the chicken, egg noodles, and chicken broth.

Leo smiles to see Mikey in his own world, doing what he loves to do. Feeling a pang of guilt, Leo looks away frowning.

It was his fault for letting the key out carelessly. And that resulted in nearly loosing his family and himself in the process, scarring them with trauma.

Shaking his head, Leo flicks up his smile again. He didn't want Mikey to notice that Leo was feeling down. Especially when Mikey seems happy.

"So! How's that soup nicely coming along?" Leo peeks to the side of Mikey, looking at the pot. "Tut tut tut ! N'interrompez jamais un chef dans son travail." Mikey said, continuing his work.

"Uhhhh okaayy?" Leo replied in confusion. He didn't make sense of what Mikey had just said. "I was saying "never interrupt a chef at his work" Capeesh?" Mikey glanced at Leo.

Leo just stared at him.

"I'm learning French! Alright?"

"Okay okay. Chillax." Leo surrendered, waving back to Mikey.

Leo let Mikey do his work at the kitchen. He'll take this opportunity to announce himself into Donnie's room and drag him out. It's about time Donnie ought to get out of his room other than for missions.

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