Ep 18 - All Over Again

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The yokai's eyes jolted wide open, jerking himself up into a sitting positon.


With ragged breathing, the mutant slowly turned his head towards the beeping.


Memories started to flood in.


After a few seconds, the turtle mutant's eyes drooped and his breathing quickly slowed down. He allowed himself to flop his head onto the hospital bed's pillow. He felt so fucking tired...

"Oh, look who's awake."

Ben rolled his head to the side, staring at the woman in a lab coat at the doorway. Blankly staring at the woman, he opened his mouth to speak but was met with a dry raspy cough. The woman came over to his side and handed him a glass of water. Thumping his hand against his chest, Ben took the cup and threw the water into his throat. Ugh, he hated this.

After giving out a few more coughs, Ben wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He handed the glass back to the woman who set it on one of the cabinets.

The turtle yokai looked around his surroundings blankly. His gaze eventually landed on the woman who was still standing besides him. "Looking white as ever." Ben half-heartily joked with a poor smile.

She only tilted her head with a smile. Ben opened his mouth to ask her something when a blood piercing scream echoed through the hallways. Ben turned his gaze to the open doorway, a group of people with a EMS stretcher with a large yokai on it zoomed past the doorway along with loud chattering and pained groans and yelling.

The woman continued her phony smile and walked towards the door, closing it. Ben narrowed his eyes slightly.

The silence continued on along with beeping of the equipment. Ben watched the woman make her way past the blue curtains and to the cabinets and made herself a mug of instant coffee. The sounds of the filtered coffee dripping out of the coffee machine was soothing.

The woman returned to the yokai's bedside and handed Ben the mug. "Careful, it's hot." Ben blankly stared at the dark liquid. He glanced up at the smiling woman with a blank tone. "I can heal myself anyways."

"Still, it's best to save up your energy for more important wounds, right?"

The yokai's pupils started to dilate unevenly. He let out a tired groan as he rubbed his face. "See? Get some rest hun." Ben lowered his hand as he glared at the woman who was now exiting the room, closing the door behind her. A few seconds passed.

Ben glanced around. He could only see the blue hanging curtains surrounding him with small gaps between them. He placed the mug he was holding onto a small moveable cabinet besides him. He shifted his gaze to the tubes connected to him from the equipment. Scowling, he ripped the tubes off. Rest, my ass.

Ben pushed the blanket off of him and shifted his legs off the bed, clutching onto the bedframe. He didn't know how long he was out so he couldn't tell if his legs are still stable or weak.

Pushing himself off the edge of the mattress, Ben faltered a bit but quickly stabilized his balance. Looks good. He thought to himself.

Ben took a step before he staggered and caught himself before he fell onto the ground. He let out a pained groan as he held his ankle. Not as good as I thought.

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