Chapter 6: strict

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As they reached the university, Taehyung stopped the car a little distance away from the entrance. Y/N looked at him in confusion.

Y/N: Sir, why did you stop here?

Taehyung: If you don't mind, can you walk the rest of the way to the university? I don't want anyone to know about our relationship.

Y/N looked down, feeling hurt by his words.

Y/N: (nodding) Okay.

She immediately opened the door and left without saying anything further.


Days passed, and while Taehyung remained cold and strict with Y/N, he secretly cared about her. However, Y/N still struggled to focus on her studies, which made Taehyung increasingly frustrated.

One afternoon, Taehyung called Y/N into his office.

Taehyung:Y/N, tomorrow is a test. I want you to at least get passing marks. If you don't, I promise you, there will be a punishment.

Y/N nodded but didn’t take his warning seriously.

Taehyung:Also, I have some work at my office today, so I’ll be coming home late. Be prepared for the test.

Y/N: (nodding) Okay.

Despite his stern warning, Y/N did not put much effort into her studies.


That night, Taehyung asked her if she had prepared for the test.

Y/N: (nodding) Yes.

Taehyung: Okay. Now sleep because tomorrow is the test, and remember, there will be consequences this time. I hope you will pass.

Y/N: (scared, nodding) Okay.

Taehyung: Now, let's sleep.


The day of the test arrived, and Y/N felt a knot in her stomach. She hadn't prepared well, despite Taehyung's warnings.

As Taehyung entered the class, he announced the test.

Taehyung:As you all know, today is the test. I hope you guys are prepared.

The students nodded, and Taehyung called one of them to distribute the test papers. Y/N, unprepared, attempted to get help from her friend Lisa, but Taehyung noticed.

Taehyung: Miss Y/N, come to the front and sit here now.

Y/N nodded and moved to the front of the class.

After the test, Taehyung addressed the class.

Taehyung:I will give back your test results in the next class. I hope everyone did well. (He glanced at Y/N before leaving the room.)


In the next class, Taehyung handed back the test papers one by one. Everyone had passed, except Y/N. When it was her turn, she was lost in her thoughts.

Taehyung: Miss Y/N!

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and immediately went to collect her test paper. Taehyung handed it to her, looking angry.

Taehyung: Come to my office after class.


In his office, Y/N entered nervously. Taehyung looked at her with anger.

Taehyung:(shouting) Didn't I tell you to study? You never listen! You only know how to waste time and not focus. Life is not a joke, Miss Y/N. You need to mature. How many times have I told you to study? Everyone passed the test except you—my own wife!

Y/N:(looking down) I'm sorry, sir.

Taehyung:(sternly) Sorry isn't enough. I told you there would be consequences if you didn't pass. We will talk about it later. Now go to class.

After university, Taehyung drove them home in silence. The tension in the car was palpable, and Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of dread that filled her.

Once they were home, Taehyung closed the door and turned to face her.

Taehyung: I expected more from you, Y/N. This is not acceptable.

Y/N nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Taehyung:(sighing) You need to understand that there are consequences for not taking your responsibilities seriously.

With that, Taehyung moved to the living room and sat down on the couch. He gestured for Y/N to come closer.

Taehyung: You need to learn to focus and take your studies seriously. Come here.

Y/N hesitated, then slowly approached him, her heart racing. Taehyung took a deep breath, clearly uncomfortable with what he had to do.

Taehyung:This is for your own good. Bend over my knee.

Y/N's eyes widened, but she obeyed, leaning over his knee.

Taehyung: I am giving you 10 smacks this time since it is the first time. I need you to count each, okay?

Y/N:(nodding with teary eyes) Okay.

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