Chapter 18 : misunderstanding

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Jungkook's arrival at the office sent ripples of excitement through the usually calm atmosphere. As he bounded through the doors, his heart raced with anticipation to reunite with Taehyung, his beloved friend and mentor. Ignoring the curious stares of colleagues, he made a beeline for Taehyung's meeting room.

Inside, Taehyung sat across from Y/N, engrossed in conversation. But Jungkook's eyes were only for his hyung. With a grin stretching from ear to ear, he strode towards them, eager to embrace the person who meant the world to him.

However, as Jungkook reached them, something unexpected happened. Y/N, caught up in the moment, stood up from her seat and rushed into Jungkook's arms, enveloping him in a warm hug. "Jungkook! I missed you so much," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Surprised by Y/N's sudden embrace, Jungkook's grin faltered momentarily. "Baby, what are you doing here?" he asked, his confusion evident.

Before Y/N could respond, Jungkook planted a tender kiss on her forehead, a gesture of familiarity that left her feeling unsettled. As they pulled away from each other, a shadow fell over them. Someone was watching.

In the doorway stood a figure, their expression unreadable. "What's happening here?" they inquired, their voice low and tinged with suspicion.

Y/N's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. Misunderstandings were brewing, and the consequences could be dire. With a nervous glance at Jungkook, she braced herself for the storm that was about to unfold.

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