Chapter 11: spanking punishment

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As Y/N's illness persisted, her condition grew increasingly worrisome, prompting Taehyung to take decisive action to ensure her recovery. Despite her protests and fears, he knew that she needed medical attention, even if it meant facing her resistance head-on.

With a heavy heart and a sense of determination, Taehyung arranged for a visit from a doctor, hoping to alleviate Y/N's suffering and set her on the path to recovery. However, when the time came for the injection, Y/N's fear and anxiety reached a boiling point, manifesting in a tantrum that caught Taehyung off guard.

Despite his efforts to calm her, Y/N's resistance only escalated, her cries of protest echoing through the room as she fought against the inevitable. With no other recourse, Taehyung was left with no choice but to administer discipline in the form of a spanking, a last resort to quell her tantrum and ensure her compliance.

As he delivered the punishment, Taehyung's heart ached with the knowledge that it was necessary for Y/N's well-being, even if it pained him to see her in distress. With each strike, he hoped to convey his love and concern, a silent plea for her to understand the gravity of the situation.

Yet, as the tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks and her cries subsided into sobs of anguish, Taehyung's resolve wavered, his heart breaking at the sight of her pain. With a heavy heart, he gathered her into his arms, offering her comfort and solace in the aftermath of their ordeal.

"Shh, it's okay, Y/N," Taehyung murmured softly, his voice a gentle caress against her ear. "I'm here for you. I only want what's best for you, my love."

In that moment of vulnerability, as Y/N nestled against Taehyung's chest, they found solace in each other's embrace, their bond strengthened by the trials they had endured together. And though the road to recovery would be long and arduous, they knew that with love, patience, and understanding, they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way. (today is my birthday please vote and comments for me as a birthday gift .But one sad thing is my family forget my birthday )

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