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A/N: for all the parts, I'll put a favourite song of mine at the top.

I walked to the mansion. In front of the gates was another girl, also walking there. I walked over to her, and greeted her politely with a soft smile. "Hi, what's your name? I'm Y/N L/N, and I was sent here by my father." She seemed surprised by my presence, but she smiled back and returned the greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Yui Komori, and me too, I was sent here." I went to the twin front doors, and knocked. Nobody answered. I frowned, and knocked again. Then, the doors opened. I checked if anybody on the other side had opened it, but there was nobody. That was weird, why did the doors open on their own? I walked around the huge hall, Yui joined me. Suddenly, Yui let out a scream. I ran to her side.

"What is it, Yui-san?" I asked. She pointed a shaking finger towards something. I looked at where she had pointed, there was a couch. But there was a body lying on it. I ran up to the body and placed my hand on the chest, where the heart would be. There was no pulse. I lifted a hand to the side of the neck. Still no pulse. Then I realised. His body was ice cold. He was already dead. Next to me, Yui pulled out her phone, planning on calling 9-1-1, and I tried desperately to resuscitate him, alternating between CPR and giving him mouth-to-mouth. Suddenly, his arm jutted to the side, grabbing Yui's phone from her hand, and his other hand pushed me off of him.

"As much as I like the feeling of your lips on mine, yours truly was sleeping." He said. I almost screamed. He had no pulse, and he didn't emit any body heat. He should be dead. I considered the possibility that I successfully resuscitated him, but he still didn't emit any body heat, and while my hands weren't on his heart or neck anymore, I could bet he still didn't have a pulse.

"What- how- you were dead!" I exclaimed, finally regaining my voice. "You don't have a pulse, and your body is ice cold! How are you moving?" He glared at me in annoyance, he tch-ed, then he answered my question. Well not really.

"That's not important. What's important is that you woke up yours truly."

"Yours truly?" I asked. "Oh, you mean you?"

"No, I mean that pancake who just tried to call the ambulance. Of course I do!" He snapped. I must have been testing his patience. Then I realised what he had said.

"What do you mean by pancake? You mean Yui-san?"

"Ya." He answered, then he pulled both me and Yui on the couch so we were sitting, he had switched from lying down to sitting. "She's flat, like a pancake. And you, you're soft, like play-doh. So that's my nickname for you." I got a better look at him. He had medium length red hair, and piercing green eyes. He was pretty good-looking. Suddenly, he brought me and Yui to the 'living room', and I saw two people behind the couch. One of them had rust-coloured hair and a fedora on his head, he also had piercing green eyes. It was impossible to deny how handsome he was. The other had lavender hair and lavender eyes with bags under his eyes, he was also holding a teddy bear. He was also weirdly attractive. The rust-haired one spoke.

"Well well Ayato-kun~ what have you brought home today?" The redhead I now knew as Ayato tch-ed, and he snapped at the rust-hair.

"Hands off, Laito. Yours truly found them first. And... I don't know. I just found them here when they woke me up." Then, the lavender-hair spoke.

"Are you lost? Or did you come here to play with Teddy? What sound we do with them, Teddy?" Weirdly, he seemed to be listening to the teddy bear, and then he nodded. "Yeah... we should probably wait for Shu and Reiji. I bet one of them knows what's going on... good point, Teddy." Then, three more people appeared. One of them was lying on another of the couches, and the two others were just standing. The one lying down has golden-blonde hair, blue eyes that seemed to be miles deep, and earphones in his ears. He looked like something out of a dream or a video game. Of the two boys standing up, one of them had dark purple hair, pink-ish-purple eyes, and glasses. He looked like a teacher, in a attractive way. The other had bright pink eyes and hair that faded from white at the roots to pink lower down that covered one of his eyes. He looked like a cute hothead. The one with the glasses then spoke.

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