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"What are you doing here?" I hissed at the kids. "Get away from this house before someone sees you!! I'm serious!" I tried to push them away, but they didn't budge.

"What's wrong, lady?" Ako asked. I just shook my head and tried to get them to leave.

"Please... leave..." I begged the kids. "It's not safe..." They still didn't move.

"What's the commotion, little slut?~" A voice I knew more than I wanted to asked. I froze.

"L-laito-kun..." I muttered. I kept trying to push the kids away as quickly as possible before Laito could see them, trying not to let Laito see my struggles. But it was useless, Laito teleported right behind me and placed one of his hands on my shoulder, the one that was bare.

"Oh? Who are these kids, slut-chan?~" He asked. I tensed up. I tried to shoo the kids away, but Laito noticed and grabbed my hand. "Why do want them to leave, slut-chan?~" He smiled innocently at the kids and they gave him a confused look, which tore my heart in two.

"Leave them alone, Laito!" I said firmly, turning around and covering them with my arms. "Get out of here, kids..." Laito just stroked my face gently.

"Oho, now now, little slut~ I'm not going to hurt them, don't worry." He leaned his head towards my neck, which was covered in bite marks from not only Laito, but also his five brothers. "But since you're chasing them away, there'll be a punishment for you~" He winked at me, then he looked at the kids. "Who are you?~"

"Um... we're your new neighbors..." Ako said nervously. "I'm Ako, and my sister is Anna." I gave him a pleading look, and a new voice cut in.

"I told you something was happening, didn't I, Teddy? What's happening, Y/N-chan?" The voice belonged to Kanato. "Do we have visitors? I might be able get myself more wax dolls..." I tensed up even more.

"No... leave them alone, Kanato-kun..." I muttered, just loud enough for Kanato to hear. "We should just let them be..." But Kanato giggled.

"Nah... that girl would look so good as a doll... and I bet their blood would taste amazing... maybe even better than yours, Y/N-chan..." He said, a creepy smile plastered on his face.

"What is happening? Do we have visitors?" Reiji asked, appearing next to me. This was becoming a disaster. I just had to hope that Ayato, Shu and Subaru were conveniently occupied right now. "Who are you children, and what are you doing in our mansion?" He asked, looking at the kids with a superior expression on his face. They trembled slightly, and I could tell they were terrified. I wasn't surprised, Laito and Reiji had teleported in front of them.

"Reiji... they're just new neighbors... let them be..." I said nervously. I knew that I'd be getting a huge punishment for trying to help these children leave, but I didn't care. What were they going to do, kill me? Shu said that they weren't allowed to kill me. So what would they do? Suck my blood? It's not like they don't already do that most of the time. "They didn't know about... about you guys... and, um..." I was going to say that they didn't know that Reiji and the others were vampires, but then I would have just let them know.

Well, they were going to know, because Laito just sank his teeth in my neck. Kanato saw that and smiled. "Can I have bite too?" Laito nodded while his teeth were still in my neck, which was quite painful for me, and Kanato teleported to my other side, biting on the other side of my neck from Laito. I whined in pain as I lost blood. Reiji interrupted their vicious onslaught, possibly saving my life.

"Ahem... please bear in mind that this is a public space. If you're starting, please go to your rooms." Laito and Kanato both groaned in frustration, but they sighed and removed their fangs from my neck. I took a deep breath of air and cupped my neck with my hands, trying to stop the blood flow.

"Thank you... Reiji..." I said in between gasps for air. Luckily, the kids had left while I had been getting my blood sucked. I sighed in relief when I didn't see them. Reiji started bandaging my neck, making it tight enough for the blood flow to stop, but loose enough for me to still be able to breathe. He told me to go to my room and get rest, that I didn't have to go to school tonight since I'm in such a poor state. I was extremely grateful for that, and I was happy to oblige.

I buried my head in my pillow and let out a choked sob, not only because it hurt, but because I was confused. I didn't know what I was feeling. The brothers hurt me, but for some reason, it felt good. Maybe I was just a masochist. But I didn't think so, I wasn't a masochist when I first came to the mansion, and I definitely wasn't a masochist before coming there.

Maybe it had something to do with the people causing me pain? Maybe I was falling in love? But with who? Surely I couldn't be falling for all of them? And if I was... could I possibly have them all? And I was forgetting Yui. She might want one of them.

Someone knocked on my door. I knew it wasn't Yui because of the "slut-chaaaaaaaaaaaan~" that followed the knocking. I didn't bother answering, but I knew that Laito didn't care, he'd open my door anyway, or just teleport in. My second prediction proved accurate, he teleported in my room.

"What do you waaaant, Laito?" I asked, letting irritation seep in my voice. "Can't you leave me aloooooooone for ooooooooone second?!" Laito giggled.

"Sorry, no can do, slut-chan~ I told you there would be a punishment, didn't I? Well, here it is..."

A/N: The entire next chapter will consist purely of smut, if you don't like it just skip next chapter

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