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I woke up to an aching pain in my neck. I wondered where it was from, but when I looked at the F/C roof of my F/C room, I remembered that I was now in the Sakamaki Mansion, and my pain was from Ayato biting my neck like a maniac. Honestly, even though he wasn't mentally okay, he was too hot for me to consider him a maniac. I got up and realised that I was in the same clothes I had arrived in. I must have slept past dinner and forgot to get changed into my PJs. Not that I minded. Wearing PJs was a waste of time in my opinion. I got up from my bed and walked to the closet. When I opened it and only saw sexy clothing, I realised it was probably Laito who decided what would be in my closet. Damn him. I chose to wear a red off-shoulder shirt, light blue shorts and long green socks.

 I chose to wear a red off-shoulder shirt, light blue shorts and long green socks

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I heard a pinging sound from one of my phones, so I checked it

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I heard a pinging sound from one of my phones, so I checked it. Reiji had texted me.

(Text messages)

Reiji Sakamaki: Eat your breakfast and come to my room quickly

Me: Ugh why?

Reiji Sakamaki: Just move it

(Real life)

I walked to the dining table where I saw a huge breakfast set up. Bacon and eggs. I served myself a reasonable platter, eating it super fast. I ignored the Subaru eating next to me, and I walked away before he could suck my blood. At least I tried to. He teleported behind me and dug his fangs in my neck. I whimpered in pain, but he didn't slow down. Subaru bit down harder, drinking my blood until he was full. He walked away, leaving me to hold my neck in pain. These people were psychopaths.

"Y/N-chan!!" A voice behind me called out. It was Kanato, holding Teddy as he ate a piece of bacon. "Come here, Y/N. Me and Teddy want you to eat with us."

"B-but I already ate." I protested, not wanting to have anything more to do with these vampires. "A-and plus, I think Reiji wanted to see me." I was actually grateful for Reiji saying this, since it meant I wouldn't have to be with Kanato right now. Kanato pouted.

"Fine, but come back here afterwards." I nodded, and quickly made my way towards Reiji's room.

"Sit down, Y/N." Reiji said as soon as I opened the door to his room. It wasn't an invitation, it was an order, so I sat, wondering what this could be about. Reij brought a jug of tea and two teacups, pouring the tea in both of them. He put one of the teacups in front of me. "I want you to test this tea, and tell me what you think."

I did drink the tea, and internally rated it a 6-7/10. It was a bit too strong, and there wasn't enough sugar, but if I told Reiji that, I'd get in trouble. "It's really good." I lied, then, trying to change the topic, I asked, "Is it vanilla and honey-flavoured?"

"It is." He answered. I thought for a moment that he hadn't noticed my lie, but then my broke my hopes. "I know that you're lying." Damn it, almost. I thought in frustration. "And you need a punishment for lying to me." Reiji stood up and grabbed my arm roughly, making me also stand up. He walked to my side, and buried his teeth deep in my neck. I whimpered in pain as blood poured from my neck into Reiji's mouth.

A short bit later, Reiji let me go. As I left, he said, "I hope that next time, you'll have the sense not to lie to me." Oh, I won't lie to you. I thought. But your tea better not be poison.

I walked around the house for a while, trying to get more accustomed to the hugeness of it. Suddenly, someone was behind me. Kanato.

"Y/N, I told you to come to the breakfast table once you were done!" He said, clearly angry.

"Ah- Kanato- sorry, I just-"

"SHUT UP!! You were having your blood sucked by Reiji, weren't you?!" I shook my head, stuttering, but he didn't listen, instead biting my collarbone. I whimpered in pain, making him more energized. He kept sucking my blood, moaning into my neck.

Kanato eventually left me, and I clumbered lazily around, only hoping not to run into Reiji. I didn't. Instead, I ran into a redhead who seemed to see my bite marks almost instantly. Ayato pushed me into a wall, tracing his hands over every spot where I might have been bitten. Weirdly, he ignored my scar, which made me wonder if he might actually care about me. Nah, that was BS nonsense.

"You only got bitten on the neck and collarbone, right?!" Ayato asked me. I nodded, and while I was saying the truth, I'd have nodded even if it were wrong. "Good..." he hissed.

"It was Reiji on my neck, and Kanato on my collarbone." I explained.

Ayato growled, and bit both places. I squealed in pain, turning him on. He licked the wounds, drinking the blood rapidly. I whimpered in pain as I started to lose conciousness.

"Ayato-kun... I'm going to faint..." I whimpered.

"Don't worry play-doh, you can pass out on me, yours truly will take good care of you." Ayato answered, smirking as I lost conciousness and fell on him.

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