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I walked down to get my breakfast. I could smell pancakes, and my mouth started watering at the smell. But it seemed Laito, who was currently the only person at breakfast alongside me and Shu, mistook my drool for perverted thoughts (ha, he's the perverted one out of the two of us, it's not my fault he calls me a slut). "Well, slut-chan~ thinking of some naughty things, are we?" I could feel my inner Subaru threatening to come out.

"No, I was just smelling the delicious food, you dirty-a$$-minded pervert." I answered, not looking at Laito, as I sat down and placed a few pancakes on my plate.  I drizzled a fuck-ton of maple syrup on two of them, and after I ate them, I put sugar and pure lemon juice on three, and I ate those. Next, I spread nutella on a final one, and ate it. It was a lot, but hey, I had missed dinner and supper two days ago, and I missed supper yesterday, so I allowed myself a generous portion.

I started walking through the halls, what for, I didn't know, and then I ran into Reiji. He grabbed my arm and lifted my hand next to his mouth. "Reiji... what are you doing?" I asked. He answered with,

"I'm having my breakfast, what do you think? Your blood tastes better than pancakes." Reiji bit down on my neck with uncharacteristic aggressiveness. "Mmmm... your blood tastes so good..." He started licking my neck around the bite mark, still sucking my blood.

"Reiji... it hurts... please... stop..." I whimpered. My whining only turned him on more, and he started to get more physical, holding me in place. Suddenly, Reiji was pulled off of me. Ayato was there, pushing Reiji away from me. My hand instinctively cupped my neck, where I was bitten, trying to stop the blood flow. Ayato yelled at Reiji.

"Don't fuck with me, Reiji!! She's mine!!!" Reiji only sighed and pushed his glasses up with his middle finger again, - probably the most toxic habit ever - before walking away and leaving me with Ayato. Ayato growled loudly and pushed me into a wall, observing every part of my body (not in the way you hoes are probably thinking) . "Where did Reiji touch you?! I know he bit your neck, but where else?!!!!" I tried to answer him, but he cut me off. "SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP! HOW DARE YOU LET REIJI SUCK YOUR BLOOD?!! YOU'RE MINE, AND MINE ALONE!!!" I tried to calm him down, but he covered my mouth, making me unable to speak.

"Ayammmf, mmmmg mmm mmhg!!!!" I screamed in his hand. I was trying to say 'Ayato, I didn't really have a choice', but my voice was too muffled for him to make it out. He dug his fangs in my neck, then both of shoulders, then my stomach, drinking blood from all of those areas, placing bite marks everywhere. I groaned in pain. Ayato kept sucking my blood until I passed out.

I awoke on my bed, Ayato gently tracing symbols on my cheeks. "Ayato?" I asked, my voice croaky but soft. He hummed a bit in response, nodding his head. "How long... was I out?" I asked. I knew it would be a terrible idea to ask him why the fuck he did that, since I knew the answer.

"A few hours." He answered, frowning. "You missed lunch. Again, might I add. Reiji was especially mad about that, play-doh." He softly caressed my cheek. Ayato then left, probably still full from all of the blood he sucked earlier. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Damn it, I've lost so much weight..." I commented, seeing how thin I had become. The amount of blood that had been sucked from me and the amount of meals I missed were the two main reasons, since I wasn't that active these days. My clothes were soaked in blood, so I decided to get changed. 

I didn't know what was wrong with that pervert Laito, but the fact that he could choose outfits that fit my body shape so perfectly was strangely alluring

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I didn't know what was wrong with that pervert Laito, but the fact that he could choose outfits that fit my body shape so perfectly was strangely alluring. Like that was all he thought about. I slapped myself, realising that that was probably all that pervert thought about, seeing me and Yui in revealing clothes. Someday, I'd punish Laito for being so fucking perverted. I walked down the stairs to the entrance, remembering when I first met the brothers. It felt like like it was years ago, even though it had been two days. Was that really right? Two days? Yes, it was. My hands went to my neck. Scars were still there. I had more bite marks than I could count. I knew that my life would mostly consist of having my blood sucked by them. And probably also being raped by Laito.

I heard a sound like knuckles on wood. My mind instantly went to Subaru, since his favorite pastime was apparently punching walls until they shattered, but the walls were made of concrete, not wood. And the sound came from the front doors. Did one of the brothers or maybe Yui go out somewhere and were just coming back? No... the brothers wouldn't knock, they'd just open the door, and me and Yui weren't allowed to leave the mansion without one of the brothers with us, so it couldn't be her. I raced to the front doors and opened them, trying to seem cool and collected, as if I didn't sprint to the doors at the speed of light (not literally).

It was two kids, a girl and a boy. The boy had chestnut brown hair, and he seemed to be around 12. The girl's hair was strawberry blonde, and she seemed about 10. Despite their different hair colors, the kids looked like they were brother and sister. My heart dropped when I realised the implications. These kids must have not known about the vampires lving here, or they simply didn't care. They were kids, so both options were possible.

The boy smiled widely and presented a blueberry pie. He said, "Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Ako and my sister is Anna, and we're your new neighbors! My mom made some blueberry pie, so help yourself!!"

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