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I woke up with a headache, and a sore throat. Where was I again? Oh yeah. I was in Shu's room. Should have known he'd be too lazy to bring me to my bed.

"Shu... what... happened...?" I asked, slowly regaining my voice.

"You just passed out after singing 'rewrite the stars'! Is that song really painful for you?" He answered. I nodded.

"Yeah... it really is..."

Then I explained everything to Shu. My mother's death. How my father hated me after and never let any music into the house. How I was fine with that because I hated music as well. Shu told me that I could still sing. Music was still good. I decided to try that.

I asked him if there was a piano anywhere. He nodded and pointed to a room. I walked there.

Reiji POV:

I walked through the rooms, looking for my tea set. Had Yui misplaced it again?

I caught a glimpse of something as I walked past the music room. Y/N was there, sitting on the piano seat. Could she play? I had never heard her sing or play, but that didn't mean that she couldn't.

I poked my head in the room, but she didn't notice. She was studying one of the music folders intently. I didn't believe what I was seeing. Was she really going to play a song that she had never practiced before? Could she even play the piano?

I soon got my answer as she started to play, and sing.

A/N: Play the song at the top, btw I don't own the song at all.

"No time for rest
No pillow for my head
Nowhere to run from this
No way to forget
Around, the shadows creep
Like friends, they cover me
Just wanna lay me down and finally
Try to get some sleep

We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for

Meet me on the battlefield
Even in the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield
Your camouflage and you will be mine
Echoes and the shots ring out
We could be the first to fall
Everything could stay the same or
We could change it all
Meet me on the battlefield

We're standing face to face
With our own human race
We commit the sins again
And our sons and our daughters pay
Our tainted history
Is playing on repeat
But we could change it if we stand up strong
And take the lead

When I was younger I was named
A generation unafraid
For the heirs to come, be brave

And meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest nights
I will be your sword and shield
You camouflage, and you will be mine
Echoes and the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything could stay the same or
We could change it all
Meet me on the battlefield, ooh

Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest nights
I will be your sword and shield
Your camouflage, and you will be mine
Echoes and the shots ring out
We could be the first to fall
Everything could stay the same or
We could change it all
Meet me on me battlefield

Meet me on the battlefield"

The music was so beautiful. I started to understand partially why that deadbeat Shu liked music. But it wasn't music in general. It wasn't the song. It was the singer.

Y/N's voice was the most melodic and enchanting I had ever heard. I knew I couldn't fall in love with her, that would be unacceptable. But she was there as a sacrificial bride, nothing more, nothing less. I turned around and kept walking, depressed. I couldn't compete. She was so bright and beautiful, even when the songs she sang were depressing. She looked and sounded like an Angel. I heard another song ring out from the room as I walked away.

A/N: I don't own this song

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your eyes
And when they open, the sun will rise

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Get the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moon beam ray
Forget your worries, and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you"

It was a beautiful lullaby, and I already felt sort of sleepy. But no, I couldn't fall asleep right now. I'd never hear the end of it if I fell in love with a human like her.

I walked towards Yui's room, and I knocked on her door. She invited me in, so I opened the door and asked her about my tea set. She said she didn't know where it was, so I wandered around a bit until I found my tea set.


I felt a surge of relief as I finished playing 'deep in the meadow'. Whoever had chosen the pieces of music to put here was extremely smart and had a good taste in music and WHAT AM I THINKING I CAN'T BE INTO MUSIC. AAARGH.

But I couldn't deny that it felt good to use my singing voice for the first time in a long time. How long was it since the last time I sang like this? Six, seven years?

I got up and walked to my room. As I walked, I saw Reiji walking in the opposite direction. I half expected him to drink my blood, but weirdly he didn't. He glanced at me then looked away again. It was strange. I also passed Subaru, but he didn't make any attempt to get my blood. I made it to my room, and I started punching around my pillow, letting myself scream into my pillow and bedsheets to muffle the sound so no one would hear.

I eventually stopped and brushed my hair, that had been totally messed up. I also checked the wardrobe, then slammed it shut. Laito really had changed the contents. I decided to go buy clothes for myself, and I wouldn't tell Laito. As I made it to the door, Laito and Ayato appeared behind me.

"Slut-chan, you are aware that you cannot leave the house without one of us following you, right?~" Laito asked. I ignored him and opened the door, but before I could exit, Laito grabbed my shoulders. "So, naturally, me and Ayato will be... escorting you there."

I sighed in irritation. If Laito was coming with me, I'd have to postpone my clothes-gathering plan for later. He really knew how to annoy me.

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