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A/B: No more smut for now. For those who skipped the last chapter to avoid smut, what happened is that Y/N and Laito fucked, Laito took Y/N's virginity, and Y/N just took a shower.

I looked at my wardrobe, deciding what to wear for dinner. Dammit, there were still only Laito's perverted sexy outfits. I grabbed a random one and put it on.

I could hear Reiji calling me for dinner, so I walked down

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I could hear Reiji calling me for dinner, so I walked down. We ate in silence, but I could tell that all of the brothers were staring at Laito with jealous looks on their faces. We must have been quite loud if everyone heard. At the end, Shu spoke up.

"Y/N, Yui, could you please leave me alone with my brothers for a moment? I need to talk to them privately."

Third person POV:

Y/N and Yui went to their rooms, and Shu finally spoke to his brothers.

"Look, I know everyone's jealous of Laito for fucking Y/N first, and jealous of Ayato for being the first to drink her blood." All of the brothers grumbled in agreement except Laito, who was just proud of himself. "But seriously, we don't have to have a war over it. Y/N seemed happy with all of us, she didn't prefer any of us over each other." That got everyone's attention. Ayato actually wondered where this was going. "What I'm saying is, we can share her. No need to battle to the death if we can all have her together."

"I see." Reiji said finally, breaking the silence. "You're suggesting that instead of arguing over who can have her blood, we all share it?" Everyone was silent, but Shu nodded. "Makes sense. But what about Yui?"

"We can share bitch-chan as well..." Laito answered, although many people were less enthusiastic about that then Y/N.


I lied down in my bed. I didn't understand what Shu could possibly want to talk about with his brothers. After all, they were always arguing, trying to get my blood, eating, or going to school. They didn't have the best relationship.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't know who it was. Didn't care. This was all just a part of a slow, unending loop, which only consisted of getting my blood sucked. I didn't answer. Knew I didn't need to. Whoever it was wouldn't wait. And I was right, the door opened on it's own.

All of the brothers were there. Weirdly, they were all there. All six of them. Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Laito, Kanato, Subaru. That never happened, except for meals and school.

"All of you together? What a pleasant surprise. You can get the fuck out of my room now." I knew I was being harsh. But honestly, I just didn't care. They could deal. But I was the one who lost litres of blood every day, who was in terrible health, and got worse punishment whenever someone took my blood. I just couldn't care less. Ayato chuckled.

"I don't think so, play-doh." He flipped me around so that my back was on the bed, and his hands were on my shoulders. "We came to a little... agreement, my brothers and I." For some reason, they were all letting him play around with me. Maybe that had something to do with it? "We agreed to... let's just say... share you." Share me? What the actual fuck was he talking about?

Ayato sank his fangs in my neck. I groaned, in irritation more than pain, as Ayato began to drink my blood. Kanato also walked up to me and pulled my sleeve down - slowly, slowly, don't want to tear the fabric - so that my shoulder was exposed to him. While Ayato's teeth were attacking my neck, Kanato sank his fangs into my shoulder.

Subaru moved towards my calf, and sank his fangs in there. He and Kanato began drinking the blood that poured out of our wounds.

I gasped in pain as Shu sank his teeth into my other calf, and Reiji and Laito sank their teeth into my arms, one each, drinking my blood.

I began to pass out almost instantly. I wasn't anemic like Yui, but six vampires were sucking my blood, all at once. I started to feel faint. My eyelids closed on themselves. The last thing I felt before passing out was sharp pain turning into pleasure from the bites.

When I awoke, the vampires were still sucking my blood. It continued for a few seconds until they got up, seemingly having their fill.

"You have no idea how delicious you are, slut-chan~" Laito said, walking away. My hands subconsciously traced all the spots where I had been bitten once all the brothers were gone. Weirdly, the wounds seemed to be closing. On their own. WHAT.

I shrugged it off and decided to go to sleep. I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face, walked back to my room, got changed into my PJs, and sank into my bed. I let myself sink into a dreamless slumber, knowing that since Reiji let me skip school for a couple of days, I wouldn't have to wake up until the morning.

When I woke up, I saw from the window that the sun hadn't risen yet. Yay, maybe I could have breakfast while the brothers were still asleep. But I had to hurry.

Not bothering to change out of my PJs, I clambered sleepily down the stairs. Big mistake. Reiji was already awake, and he seemed horrified by my terrible posture and the fact that I hasn't changed from my PJs.

"Y/N, what are you wearing? Are you aware that your back is not nearly straight? Have my lessons really been that inefficient?" He asked. I wasn't sure which question to answer first, so I mumbled. This seemed to irritate him even more. "If you keep walking around this house with such terrible posture, you might as well be asking to be attacked by me and my brothers. Or perhaps, you want to be attacked?" He was leaning towards me as he said this, his mouth opening to reveal his fangs.

"Um- I- I don't want to be attacked..." I stuttered, unable to form words.

"Really?" Reiji asked, staring at me mischievously. "I think you do..." I shook my head quickly, trying to get his head away from my neck.

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