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I woke up to hear Reiji calling me for dinner. When did I even fall asleep? I forgot. I walked down the stairs, and I quickly ate my dinner. Reiji then told me to get in my uniform, he said that one was in my closet. I quickly put it on.

From the mini-skirt, I could imagine that it was Laito who chose it

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From the mini-skirt, I could imagine that it was Laito who chose it. My mind went to my earlier rape, and I shivered. Laito hadn't taken my virginity yet, but who knew if he would next time, and in how much time he would do it again? I walked down and out the mansion, and I saw a limo waiting for us. Damn, how rich were these people? I climbed in, and I found a seat. But Laito spread his legs, (not in the way you hoes are thinking) making it so that he took up two seats, and there wasn't a seat for me.

"Oh no, slut-chan~ guess that means you'll have to sit on my lap..." He said with a fake-sad face. I frowned at him, but did so. Ayato growled at seeing that, then he said,

"What the fuck is with that messed-up nickname? Did Laito and play-doh get comfortable?" I blushed and shook my head quickly but firmly, while Laito just seemed proud of himself. Ayato, Kanato and Subaru growled, probably out of jealousy, and while Reiji and Shu didn't say or do anything, they had jealous angry looks on their faces, something I had never seen on Reiji.

Timeskip to after school because I'm lazy:

I exited the limo and walked in the mansion. I was just glad that Laito let me sit on my own seat on the way back, unlike on the way there.

As the doors opened, I started walking to my room, but at a point where I thought I was alone, Kanato grabbed me out of nowhere, and pushed me into a wall, and he started licking and biting my neck.

Kanato POV:

I sank my fangs into Y/N's neck. She let out a cute groan, which turned me on. "Kanato... why...?" She squeaked. I kept drinking blood from her neck until I decided to pull back and answer her question, which I did.

"Ayato said you and Laito got comfortable, and from the look on your face, it's true, or at least partially. That means you let him touch you. Heck, that means that he fucked you." I let out a beastly growl. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOU BELONG TO ME?! Your sweet, sweet blood, is for me and me alone." My mouth trailed down to her shoulder, and I bit it with all my strength, not bothering to go easy on her. She needed to learn who she belonged to. While she was making sounds of protest, her face told a whole other story. She was blushing like a drunk lady, and her expression was one of submission. My hands trailed to her thighs, massaging them, but suddenly, she out a scream of pain. "What was that?" I asked in genuine curiosity, worry painted all over my face.

"That spot... on my thigh... where you pressed down... I have a scar... from where a bat bit me... and I ripped it out... and I needed stitches..." She wailed in pain, so I moved my hand to her cheek, stroking it gently.

"Shhh... it's okay... I didn't know... sorry..." I said, my voice gentle in a way I had only ever used when talking to Teddy. I walked away after leaving my mark on a few spots. Once I was a safe distance away from her and in my room, I started venting to Teddy.

"What is she doing to me, Teddy? This feeling... it's weird... I've never felt it before... am I in love with her? And if I am... do I have a chance when compared to my brothers?"


That was weird... why was Kanato suddenly so gentle? He had never acted that way to me or Yui before... all I knew was, something had changed in between me and Kanato. Something that I couldn't explain. I had never really fallen in love before. Was this what it felt like?

My thoughts were cut off by Subaru then grabbing my collar and pushing me against a wall. Damn it, were all of the brothers coming one after the other? Subaru growled and punched the wall right next to me. I flinched. "Subaru, what's wrong?" I asked. He growled, suddenly sounding like a grizzly bear. A hot grizzly bear WHAT AM I THINKING I CAN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH ALL OF THE BROTHERS.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT'S WRONG!!" He yelled, punching the wall again. Cracks spiraled out, making a spider-web-like form. (Damn, poor wall.) "YOU LET LAITO FUCK YOU, AND I KNOW THAT KANATO WAS HERE JUST SECONDS AGO!!! DO I SERIOUSLY NEED TO REMIND YOU WHO YOU BELONG TO?!!!" I shook my head quickly, but Subaru wasn't listening. He drove his head to my shoulder, where Kanato bit me, and sank his fangs in. I whimpered in pain despite my efforts not to, and Subaru kept drinking my blood until he had his fill, then he walked off.

As soon as Subaru out of sight and earshot, I felt myself passing out. My legs became weak, and I started falling to the ground. But a familiar redhead caught me. As I was passing out, the last thing I saw was Ayato carrying me to my bed, an expression of pure rage but also worry on his face. Suddenly, everything became black.

My eyes opened to see a blonde boy lying down next to me on my bed. I felt uncomfortable since my bed was only supposed to have one person in it, and also FUCKING SHU WAS SLEEPING IN MY BED. WITH ME. "Shu," I called, shaking him. "Shu, wake up. FUCKING WAKE UP, SHU!!" Eventually, he woke up. "Shu, why are you sleeping in my bed?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah... I was checking on you cause apparently you passed out... and I wanted to make sure Laito was leaving you alone... and then I fell asleep..." He answered. I frowned at him. "Anyway, we should probably get down to eat breakfast soon." I nodded, then gently kicked him out of my room, saying,

"Okay, now get out, I need to get changed!!" I was in my PJs despite never putting them on, which made me think that Ayato changed my clothing. Damn him. I looked at the closet. Still Laito's perverted sexy clothing. I decided to put on a yellow crop-top and jeans, what was the worst that could happen?

 I decided to put on a yellow crop-top and jeans, what was the worst that could happen?

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