Chapter 10

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"Sir, are you okay?"

"What makes you think I am not?" Taehyung snapped.

"The meeting didn't happen and yet you are smiling?"

"It's no use sulking now, is there?"

"Sir, are you really in a good mood?"

"You have a problem with that?"

"No, no, actually I have some bad news. There is some kind of aviation strike for forty eight hours and..."

"And what, I have to walk to Seoul?"

"Sssssssirr nnoo aacct......."

"Jimin, stop stammering and shoot."

"Sir, you can travel by a series of connected railroad cars pulled or pushed by one or more locomotives ."

"Jimin , I will kill you...!"

"Train Sir,  I booked your ticket."

"And yours?"

"Sir there was only one ticket left so I booked yours. I will try tomorrow's train."

"Am sure by tomorrow the strike will be called off , but I better not take chances . We'll done Jimin, for a change you did something right, " Taehyung said sarcastically as he started packing.


Y/n found her seat on the train and settled down with her luggage. She hoped that she would get a decent co-passenger.

She plugged in her IPad and decided to take a nap. The anxiety of the past few days had taken it's toll on her and he'd left her exhausted. The soft beats of music soothed her and was asleep in no time at all. A sudden thud woke her up rudely . She pinched herself once and then whispered ,......



How are you guys ???

Soo sorry for suddenly disappearing,,😁

Actually I was not very satisfied by your views as well as vote but still whatever happens I'll update with new chapters asap ...
(Maybe after the book is completed more people would like to read and vote )

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