Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


We weren't waiting around for the rescue group to come get us. There wasn't time. If what we think is true then all of us are in very real danger. Especially Blake.

Lindsey isn't just dangerous, but she's crazy and she has a very bad case of revenge out on all of us. Taking Blake out would get her revenge on Beck, on Georgia, on the Bradford's in general. She could wipe out a lot of people in one blow.

We don't have time to waste.

Doing the best we can, we climb out of the cave, hiking down the mountain, taking the longer way around the hill, and hiking over the mountain to avoid the rushing water that is running through the trail. We stayed together and followed Ethan since he had the most experience with these trails and the rescues.

Beckett stayed in contact with us as well. Although he was no longer with the rescue group coming for us but was flying out to try and meet Blake at the airport in LA. Leo and Aubrey are headed our way, while Georgia, Jim and Quinn are at the house waiting for us.

Paige and Will have taken on the duty of identifying the body. Georgia made sure they were up to date on who we think it might be now. I really hope it isn't Mia. I hope she's just tied up somewhere but I don't know how that could have happened. I wasn't there but from what I was told, I can't imagine there was time.

We worked our way through the brush and heard a voice that we didn't expect to hear out here. Someone who wasn't looking for us, and wasn't talking to us.

Quickly we hid behind a big pile of foliage that had fallen and waited until the person came close enough for us to hear.

"Find her! She doesn't have any way of getting out of town! I want her found and brought back to the house! Lindsey is dangerous on a good day. She's liable to kill somebody, just because she doesn't like the way they look at her. We have to control her!" The sheriff said to whoever he was talking to on his phone. "I made a promise to her father, I'm keeping it."

That explains why he is so damn stupid about covering for Lindsey. It's too bad it's going to cost him his job, and possibly his life, if Lindsey has her way. She'll never let him live if she thinks he's going to try to control her.

Waiting for him to move on, we came out and walked on. "Are we going to talk about that?" Brynn asked, questioning the elephant in the area.

"Why? He made a promise. A stupid one. One he can't keep. He's desperately trying to find her and she isn't even here. We know this. She's already gone. There's not a lot to talk about, Brynn." I snapped at her, not really meaning to be mean. I'm just frustrated with the situation.

"He isn't the bad guy. He's trying to keep a promise to a friend," Brynn always sees the good in people. That's why she gets hurt.

"And he allowed Lindsey to get away with too much when she should have gone to jail. He isn't a good guy, Brynn. He's a fool." Ethan is right about that. Charlie made the wrong choice and he needs to pay for it.

We continued on, texting with Aubrey, letting her know our location as we moved and slowly we worked our way together. Walking our way around the mess that the storm had caused, it took longer than we expected but an hour later we found each other.

"I thought we'd never find you!" Aubrey hugged Brynn, happy to see her best friend again.

"Have you heard from Beck yet?" Brynn asked, knowing how worried Aub must be about her husband.

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