Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Secrets are never good to keep from family. Eventually they will always come back and bite you in the butt. I've been on both sides of this argument and I've learned it's never a good idea on either side to keep information from those you love.

Because of that, I knew as soon as I had everything I needed to know about the Markham family I would need to share it with them. I spoke to Blake first thing this morning about it and he will fill in the rest of the family except for those here in Moss Bluff. Those I will tell myself.

I should have known Aubrey would see that I was lying to Mia. She's so astute and insightful about people. Nothing gets past her. It's one of the best things about her. She's so intelligent and that will keep Beckett in line. She is exactly the kind of woman he needed in his life.

I know I can leave here and my lost boy is in good hands with her. Just like my other boys, Beck will always need his mama. I have no doubt about that. Women seem to befuddle those boys and they need some guidance from me on occasion. But their ladies are capable of keeping them in check.

My girls are another story. Those women are independent and capable just as they should be. They found men who will support them and keep them safe and happy. I know they are in good hands and will be loved and appreciated.

I was worried for a long time about these two, Beck and Quinn. They have managed to get their lives together and better for it. The move to Moss Bluff was just the trick to help them find their place. They will be just fine once this problem with the Markham family is done.

And that will be sooner than later.

Joining the family at the table, I expect them to have questions about what I know. I expect this to be a long conversation. One that I don't want anyone else to hear just yet. We need to play our cards close until this is resolved.

"Ma, what haven't you told us?" Beckett asked as we sat down.

"Plenty. But I'll get to it. Knowing that none of us want anything else to happen to Mia or the rest of us, it was important that I kept what I knew quiet until I was absolutely certain I was correct with what I had learned," I explained to the others.

They need to understand that I didn't withhold this information because I didn't trust them. I did it for their safety as well as my own. The Markham family has a very dark history. One that I can now share with them.

"Before I go into detail about what I know, I want to take this back to the house. The danger isn't over for any of us. We still have a Secret Admirer to contend with and I don't want anyone else hurt," I insist on privacy for this conversation.

"I'm not leaving Mia alone," Cole declared, "I want to know what you know but it's not safe for her."

"It's not safe for any of us to be left alone. I agree with you and I will discuss this later with you privately," I agreed as we got to our feet. "Beckett, sugar, I'm going to ride back to the house with you and Aubrey. I want some time with this little guy. I'll have Quinn get lunch ready for us so we can eat as we talk. Cole I will have some food brought over to you and Mia as well. I know you need to eat better than you have been since Mia was admitted."

"I appreciate it. Georgia, how much longer are we going to continue with this game they're playing with us?" Cole asked the question everyone wants the answer to.

"Not much longer. I promise you that," I mean that. I'm ready to finish this fight.

Touching my newest grandson on the cheek my heart is so full of love for him and his parents. He is a miracle for Beckett. My lost boy who finally found his home. I can't be more proud of the way he has turned his life around. He's been through enough and it's time for him to enjoy his new life.

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