Meet Leonardo, Twilight sparkle and Spike

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After seeing the memory of the allspark a few days ago, Sydni and Chima decided that they should find food in the forest.

Hey guys, me and Chima are going to go look for some food in the forest. Sydni said as soon she was getting the wagon ready.

Sydni are you sure it's a good idea for you and Chima to go out there by yourselves? Windblade said being unsure about them going out.

Don't worry Windblade we won't be gone long, we're just going to get some food and besides we need food to restore our energy. Chima said.

Oh okay well just be careful out there. Okay? And keep a lookout for those seekers. Windblade said.

Not to worry we'll keep a lookout for those seekers and if anything goes wrong we'll call for help. Sydni said letting her know that the two of them will be okay.

See you when you get back. Bumblebee said through the radio as he waved them goodbye.

Bye Bumblebee see you when we get back. Sydni said as she waved back.

The two of them got out of the ship and went into the forest, leaving Bumblebee and Windblade in the ship waiting for them to come back.

While Sydni and Chima were in the forest they managed to find some fruits and caught some fish for them to eat. With that many food they would be able to eat for a while and they finally finished and packing up. Since they were almost finished they just needed to find a few more fish and then they'll be hanging back to the ship.

Okie dokie we're almost done we just needed to find some more fish and then we'll be heading back to the ship. Sydni said.

I hope so with this amount of food we'll be able to eat for a while, probably about a month. Chima said with a smile on her face.

But before they could head back to the river to get some more fish they heard a dog barking and heard voices.

(Dog barking)

Do you hear a dog barking? Sydni asked Chima.

Yeah it sounds like it's coming from right behind us from a distance. Chima answered.

Get away from us wolves we are not on the menu! ??? Said from the other side of the forest.

(Gasps) Sounds like someone's in trouble! Sydni said.

Yes and my guess is there being attacked by wolves, we have to help them! Chima said.

Agreed come on! Sydni shouted as she and Chima ran into the other side of the forest to see who needed help.

By the time they got there they saw a human size turtle wearing a cloak and ninja gear with a blue mask, was protecting a girl with pony ears, wings and long hair with a ponytail at the end of her hair, along with a dog that was defending both of them.

Whoa a human size turtle you don't see that every day. Sydni whispered.

Or a girl with pony ears, wings and a long hair with a ponytail at the end of the hair. Chima whispered back.

Well, come on they need our help! Let's see if we can try and calm the wolves down. Sydni whispered.

Chima nodded as they ran right in front of them to encounter the wolves and protect the human size turtle, the girl and her dog.