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"Neeks!" Will whispered into a sleeping Nico's ear after waking up the next morning, bright and early and always.

Nico stayed asleep.

"Neeks~" Will said, slipping his hand up under Nico's shirt, feeling his sweaty abdomen. He sweats a lot when he sleeps, even when he's peaceful. Will noted, and then continued his task.

He pulled Nico's shirt up and off his head, to no effect of Nico waking up.

"Nico, wake up now or face the consequences." he said, and sighed when Nico let out a cute little "I'm-a-cute-and-adorable-sleeping-baby" sigh out as he slept.

"That's it," Will said, laying Nico down straight. I bet this is the straightest I'll ever see Nico in my life! he thought, then stifled a laugh. His arms were up above his head, his legs flat on the bed.

Will climbed up, almost straddling Nico's waist. He pinned his hands to Nico's crossed wrists, and brought his lips down to Nico's abdomen, right around his belly-button. Then...

...he blew.

"Eek! Stop it, Will!" Nico said, awaking with a start, and trying to squirm out of Will's grasp. But Will had prepared for this. Nico had nothing on him.

Will brought one hand down from Nico's wrists, but Nico was still pinned. Will took one finger, and gently, barely touching his skin, brushed back and forth over it, having a worse, even, effect than a feather.

"That tickles!" Nico said between screams. "Stop eat! Stop eat, Weel!"

Just then, the door flew open, but Will didn't notice. Nico did. He tried to warn Will, but he was laughing too hard, and his hands were pinned.

Just as Will brought his lips down to Nico's abdomen again, Kayla clears her throat, loudly. "What's going on here?" she asks, looking from the straddled Nico back to the straddler, Will.

"Oh, we were just--" Will starts innocently, then, "No, no, it isn't what it--"

"Oh, it's exactly what it looks like," Nico says, "He was attacking me!" Nico says, playing victim for possibly the first time, Will thinks, in his entire life.

"But like," Kayla says, no longer really interested. "where you losing any innocence in this? 'Cause if not I'm just gonna go..."

Will's eyes widen. "No, no of course not!"

"Bye, then!" Kayla says, walking out to get breakfast at the dining Pavilion.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo!" Nico cries, and Will looks at him. He realizes it's the first time he's ever truly looked at him. Sure, there were the occasional--who was Will fooling, the excessive checkups, where Will would search for anymore self inflicted scars.

But had Will ever really looked at Nico, for all that he was? No. He hadn't. That ended now.

Nico squirmed beneath Will, trying to wriggle loose, but it was no use. Nico realized that quickly, and threatened, "If you don't let me go, I'm going to shadow travel us to the Pavilion. As we are. You'll have a lot of explaining to do."

"You wouldn't. You're shirtless." Will smiled, but Nico wasn't kidding.

"3..." Will watched the bulge in his throat as he spoke, defining itself. Then, after he was finished speaking, slipping back to the way it was before.

"2..." Will watched Nico's chest, rising and falling steadily. He watched the way Nico pressed his shoulders into the bed underneath him, giving him perfect posture, even while laying down.

"Wait!" Will said, "please."

Nico's face shifted. Two small wrinkles appeared creased into his forehead as he frowned. Will noticed this, too. "What?" Nico asked, still confused.

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