The Work of a Goddess

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Nico fell to the ground, screaming. "Is this some kind of sick joke?!" he yelled, but he already knew the answer: No. This was not Hades' doing, nor the doing of any other god. This... this was the work of a goddess.

"Bellona?" Nico said. He didn't want to believe it, but somehow... somehow he knew it was true.

He wept and he wept until Bellona herself appeared. "What... what have you done?"

"Nothing, at least... nothing permanent. That is... unless you refuse to help me."

Nico hated the goddess, but he couldn't refuse if it meant saving Will's life. He nodded. "What do I have to do?"

Time Skippity-Skip Because I Fucking Felt Like It~~~

And that was how Nico found himself back where he was born... back in "l'Italio," he said aloud.

"I haven't seen this place in..."

"12 years. Isn't that right, Nico?" Bellona said next to him. Nico nodded. "Almost 13." he added sadly.

"Swear on the River Styx that you won't touch him again after this."

Bellona smirked. "I swear on the River Styx that I won't hurt your boyfriend, Will Solace," she paused, grinning slyly. "After this quest is completed successfully." she added. "I'm not falling for the same trick that your father fell for."

Nico nodded. "I wasn't even trying to make you, but good precautions, I suppose."

Bellona sighed. "Well, demigods are always so tricky." she said.

Nico smirked. "Yeah. Hey, do you think after I save Will that Reyna won't hate me? 'Cause you kinda had a grud--"

"Guys, can you please stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Will said, feigning annoyance, but still worried that the goddess of war and conflict might turn on him.

Nico smirked, kissing his boyfriend gently on the lips. "Yeah, sorry."

"It's alright."

"EWW!!!" Bellona said, disgusted. "I'm going to re-spell your boyfriend if you don't quit making out!"

"We weren't even--" Will started, but Nico was already doubled over laughing on the floor. He stood up, wheezing. "Gods, I thought only Reyna did that! Apparently it runs in the family?"

Bellona rolled her blazing eyes. "Whatever. Just no more lovey dovey stuff around me! That's Venus' thing, anyways."

 Once the goddess had left, he told Will: "Benvenutio a Venice." with a smile. Nico turned to his boyfriend. "Are you ready for this?"

"I..." Will trailed off. "I think so." he said with a nod towards Nico. He took his arm in his, (1930's style) and set off towards his old house.

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