Day 2

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The walk back to their apartment was a blur. The hateful words from the stranger echoed in Nico's mind, poisoning the serenity of the night. Will, sensing his boyfriend's turmoil, tightened his grip around him, his hold a silent reassurance.

Once inside the dimly lit apartment, Will gently lowered Nico onto his feet. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the playful mood earlier.

Nico turned away, his gaze fixed on a painting on the wall. Will reached out, his fingers brushing against Nico's arm, sending a jolt of electricity through them both.

"Nico," Will began, his voice soft and hesitant. "Don't let that idiot's words get to you."

Nico remained silent, his jaw clenched tight. Will sighed, a flicker of frustration battling with his love for Nico. He needed to break through the wall Nico had built around himself.

In a sudden burst of inspiration, he stepped closer, cupping Nico's face in his hands. He tilted his head down, his lips hovering a hair's breadth from Nico's.

"Let's erase those words," he whispered, his voice husky with unspoken emotions. "Let's replace them with something better."

Before Nico could respond, Will closed the gap between them. The kiss was a torrent of emotions – a fierce defense against the bigotry they'd faced, a declaration of love that transcended prejudice, a silent promise to drown out the hate with the melody of their hearts.

They clung to each other, their bodies pressed flush against the cool wall, as if seeking solace in the very stones. Will trailed kisses down Nico's neck, his touch a soothing balm on the raw wound left by the stranger's words.

Nico, his initial resistance melting away, surrendered to the kiss. He poured his love, his fear, his defiance into the touch, seeking solace in the warmth of Will's embrace.

They moved in a slow, heated dance, their kisses leaving a trail of fire across Nico's skin. Each touch, each brush of lips, whispered a silent message – 'You are loved. You are beautiful. You are mine.'

Lost in their own world, they explored every corner of the small apartment, their bodies leaving a fleeting imprint on the walls, a physical manifestation of the love that burned so brightly within them.

As their passion subsided, they leaned against the wall, foreheads pressed together, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the night.

A soft chuckle escaped Will's lips. "There," he murmured, tracing a finger across Nico's cheek. "All gone."

The silence after their passionate display settled comfortably around them. The memory of the hateful slur still lingered, a faint scar on the night, but overshadowed by the fierce love they had reaffirmed. Will traced patterns on Nico's palm with his thumb, a comforting rhythm against the backdrop of their racing hearts.

Nico leaned into Will's touch, a sigh escaping his lips. The tension that had coiled in his chest throughout the evening began to unravel. He felt a new wave of desire rise within him, a yearning for a deeper connection with Will, a desire that went beyond the passionate kisses they had just shared.

He hesitated, unsure how to voice his needs. He wasn't accustomed to such vulnerability, especially after the emotional turmoil of the evening. Yet, the warmth of Will's presence emboldened him.

"Will," he began, his voice a husky whisper.

Will lifted his head, his blue eyes searching Nico's face for any sign of discomfort. "Yes, Nico?" he responded gently.

Nico took a deep breath, his cheeks flushing a faint red. "I... I want to be closer," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. "Not just like that," he added quickly, gesturing vaguely between them.

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