Who Are You?

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Will squeezed his eyes shut tighter, the frustration a vise around his head. The silver moonlight filtering through the olive leaves offered scant comfort. Each memory that flickered to life was a wisp of smoke, tantalizingly close yet just out of reach. He felt like a sculptor trying to rebuild a statue from shattered fragments, the final form shrouded in an infuriating haze.

A rustle in the leaves behind him broke the silence. He whipped around, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs. His hand instinctively reached for a weapon that wasn't there. He was unarmed, adrift in a foreign land with a mind like a broken compass.

"Who's there?" he rasped, his voice rough with disuse.

A figure emerged from the shadows of the olive tree, bathed in the cool moonlight. Tall and slender, their features hidden beneath a dark hood. Will held his breath, a prickling sensation crawling up his spine. This wasn't one of the peaceful Elysian shades he'd encountered on his journey. There was a tension in the figure's stance, a hidden power that sent a jolt of nervous energy through him.

"You shouldn't be here," the figure said, their voice a low murmur that sent shivers down Will's spine. It was a voice devoid of emotion, yet strangely familiar, a melody he couldn't quite place.

Will swallowed hard. "I... I don't know where I am," he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "I don't remember..." Panic threatened to engulf him, but he forced himself to breathe, to focus.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice gaining a sliver of strength. "Can you help me?"

The figure remained silent for a moment, then took a slow step forward. The moonlight glinted off a silver ring adorned with a skull that adorned their hand. A tremor of recognition ran through Will, a faint echo from the recesses of his memory.

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