Day 1

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"Alright my little angelo le morte, what's on today's agenda?"


"Oh, really?"

"Yes!" Nico exclaimed, looking at Will deep in his large blue orbs.

Will looked back curiously at Nico's chocolate brown marbles. (That sounded kinda sus guys...) "What is it?" he asked.

"I just... I thought today we might have some fun... explore the town, and..." Nico trailed off. "And?"

"Nothing. I mean... you'll see." he blushed a deep crimson.

Will looked suspicious. "...alright."

Nico, his dark hair windswept from their brief walk, led Will through the bustling maze of streets. Will, a hint of apprehension still lingering in his eyes, marvelled at the city's vibrant energy.

"Alright, here we are," Nico announced, stopping at a magnificent bridge spanning a wide canal. "The Rialto Bridge."

Will's eyes widened. The bridge, built with white and pink marble, boasted an ornate archway and bustling shops lining its sides. Tourists milled about, captivated by the architectural wonder.

"Wow," Will breathed, awestruck. "It's incredible."

Nico smiled, a genuine warmth reaching his usually stoic eyes. "Told you you'd like it." They spent the next hour exploring the shops, Will marveling at the intricate Murano glass sculptures and the colorful hand-painted masks. As they walked, Nico pointed out hidden details – the subtle engravings on a weathered archway, the worn steps leading to a secret bookstore. Venice, Nico explained, was a city of stories waiting to be discovered.

Next, they made their way to the imposing Doge's Palace. Standing before the towering structure, Will felt dwarfed by its grandeur. The intricate carvings on the facade seemed to whisper secrets of the past. Inside, they wandered through the opulent halls, marveling at the gold-leaf ceilings and breathtaking artwork.

Will, ever the son of Apollo, found himself particularly drawn to the depictions of Roman gods and heroes. Nico, noticing his interest, pointed out the hidden symbols and mythological references scattered throughout the palace. It was like stepping into a living history book, a testament to the city's rich and complex past.

By the time they emerged from the palace, the sun was dipping towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the canals. Will, exhausted but exhilarated, leaned against Nico.

"That was amazing," he whispered. "Thanks for showing me around."

Nico's gaze softened. "Anytime."

As the last rays of the sun painted the sky with streaks of orange and purple, they made their way towards St. Mark's Square. The iconic square bustled with activity - live music filled the air, street performers entertained the crowd, and couples strolled hand-in-hand.

They found a quiet spot near the towering Campanile bell tower and simply sat, watching the world go by. A comfortable silence settled between them, punctuated only by the distant sounds of laughter and music.

As the last sliver of sunlight disappeared, and the first stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Nico turned to Will. A gentle smile played on his lips.

"You know," he began, his voice barely a whisper, "I never thought I'd see this place again, let alone with someone I..." he faltered, searching for the right words.

Will reached out, his fingers brushing against Nico's cheek. "Someone you care about?" he finished gently.

Nico met his gaze, his eyes reflecting the twinkling lights of the square. "More than you know," he confessed, before leaning in and capturing Will's lips in a soft, tender kiss.

"Malledetto frocio!" Will heard from a distance, thinking nothing of it, but Nico froze, pulling away quickly. When Will approached him after a moment, reaching out, Nico backed away. "Wha... what is it?" he asked, worriedly.

"Don't worry about it." Nico said, looking up at Will with red, teary eyes.

"Nico..." Will reached out again, but he shrugged him off. "I'm going to worry about it if it makes you this upset. If it's something that guy said..." Nico looked up at him, and Will continued. "I'll... I'll... I'll... break their nose and not fix it!" he decided at last.

Nico smiled sadly. "Are you ready for your next Italian lesson?" Nico asked Will, side-eyeing the man who had yelled at them.

Will nodded.

"Alright, you're going to scream: Cosa intendi con 'frocio'? Ogni dio romano li e decisamente gay! Se c'e qualcuno anormale, quello se tu, fottuto uomo etero!"

Will's eyes widenned. "That was a lot of words. I'll try my best." He said, and Nico smirked.

"Cosa intendi con 'frochio'? Ogi do roman lie decisamente gay! Si c'e qualcuno non-normale, quello sei tu, fotu uomo attero!"

Nico tried his best not to double over laughing. The grammar was terrible with his mistakes, but he got the point across pretty well.

The man blushed, running away, but not before screaming more Italian curses at them.

Will picked Nico up in his arms, legs straddling Will's waist, and blushed. "Ti amo, William Solace."

"Ti amo, Niccolo di Angelo." he said, and felt something start to spring from downwards to upwards around the mid section of Will's waist.

Nico blushed deeply, and Will just chuckled, and once they kissed, got the same response as Nico, blushing also. Will kept Nico in his arms, and carried him back to the apartment where they'd be staying for the next 250 days.

Once they got home, it was past midnight.

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