The Confession

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"I..." Will trailed off. Nico was expecting him to explain his behavior, but it was harder than he thought. "said... s-some harsh things..."

"Like what?" Nico asked, confused. They were lying awake together in Nico's bed, laying atop the covers. Will choked on a sob.

"I... I said... I asked why I'd..." he couldn't say it. Whether Nico knew that he'd prevented it or not, he couldn't bear the hurt that Nico would feel when he told him that... that Will was questioning his love for him.

"I can't say it." he finally admitted. "I just... can't relive that. And I don't want you to have to know."

Nico pondered for a moment. Will loved that about him, how he'd, no matter how intense the situation, always think about what Will was saying. Even if he'd said it a million times. Even if Will didn't want an answer. If if Nico didn't want to answer.

"I think," Nico started. "That if you're not comfortable with telling me, then maybe we can wait a while before you do." Nico nodded, liking this idea.

"...Okay." Will said, hesitantly.

"But," he continued. "I would like you to tell me eventually. We can't have secrets. Alright?"

"Alright." Will said, mood lifting. Then he remembered something. "By the way, did you know that you're on your third life?"

Nico's eyes shot open. "What?"

"Yeah!" Will said, happy for Nico for being a hero in all of his past lives.

"Well, are you?" Nico asked, frantic. Will shook his head, still not understanding the problem.

Nico grabbed the hem of Will's tee-shirt, and after a moment of looking like he was about to punch a wall--the wall being Will's face--, his grip loosened, and he sobbed into Will's shirt.

"Hey, hey, it's okay!" Will said. "Even if I don't make it to Elysium, I can always go to the border!" he says, trying to reassure Nico.

"No, Will, when you die as a hero on your third life..." he trailed off. Will cocked an eyebrow. "What?" he asked, more nervously now.

"You go to the Isles of the Blessed." he finished.

"Well that's amazing!" Will said, excited.

"But what about us?" he asked, gripping Will's hands tightly.

"Can't you just... reject it?" Will asked, oblivious.


I'm sorry on how bad my word choice is right now, I'm really stressed but felt the need to update, so you don't get my poetic side anymore.

BTW, do you like it when I'm more gayforward and poetic, or would you rather have me be like I am in this chapter?

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