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The cool morning air carried the faint scent of pine and bacon as Will and Nico walked towards the pavilion for breakfast. Sunlight filtered through the leaves of the towering oaks, dappling the path with a mosaic of light and shadow. Will couldn't help but grin, the happiness bubbling up inside him threatening to spill over. Just the sight of Nico, his dark hair catching the sunlight, filled Will with a warmth that chased away the remnants of the night chill.

Nico, for his usual stoic self, seemed lighter somehow. He walked with a slight bounce in his step, a faint smile playing on his lips. He caught Will staring and raised an eyebrow playfully.

"What is it, Sunshine? You're staring!" He teased, the nickname rolling easily off his tongue.

Will chuckled. "Just enjoying the view," he admitted, his gaze lingering on Nico's face. "You seem... happy."

Nico's smile widened, a genuine warmth radiating from his dark eyes. "Happy?" he echoed, his voice laced with amusement. "Is that allowed for a son of Hades?"

Will swatted him playfully on the arm. "Of course it is. Especially when you're with your amazing boyfriend." He winked, flipping his nor growing-out hair dramatically, and savoring the way Nico's cheeks flushed a faint pink.

Nico scoffed, but the playful glint in his eyes betrayed him. "Amazing, huh? Just wait until you see me trip and faceplant into my pancakes this morning. Then what'll you do?"

Will laughed. "Even then, you'd be the most adorable faceplanting boyfriend a guy could ask for. And I'd probably stand there and laugh."

Nico rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of fondness in his expression. He reached out, his fingers brushing against Will's. The simple touch sent a spark of electricity through Will, a delicious reminder of the events of the previous night.

"Alright, alright," Nico conceded, his voice softer. "Maybe I'll try to avoid any public displays of clumsiness today. Especially for my amazing boyfriend."

They walked along in comfortable silence for a moment, the only sound their footsteps crunching on the gravel path. Will couldn't help but steal another glance at Nico, his heart overflowing with a newfound tenderness. They hadn't even officially declared their relationship yet to the others, but the bond between them felt stronger than any words could express. They knew, yes, but was Nico ready to share the news?

Will was faintly aware of how Nico tended to shy away from Will out in public, but they were engaged, would it really be so bad?

As they approached the pavilion, the sound of chattering campers and the clatter of silverware grew louder. Will squeezed Nico's hand reassuringly, a silent promise that he would face whatever the day held, as long as they faced it together.

Nico returned the squeeze, his dark eyes meeting Will's in a silent conversation. There was a flicker of something new in them, a vulnerability and a trust that made Will's chest tighten with emotion.

They walked into the pavilion, ready for the day, their love story unfolding with every stolen glance, every shared touch, a symphony written in the language of the heart.

Will and Nico entered the bustling pavilion, hand in hand. Sunlight streamed through the open sides, illuminating the happy chaos of campers filling their plates. The usual morning chatter died down momentarily as everyone turned to stare at them, a curious silence blanketing the room.

Will felt a blush creep up his neck under the scrutiny. Nico, however, seemed unfazed, his dark eyes sweeping over the crowd. He squeezed Will's hand reassuringly, a silent message of support that calmed Will's racing heart.

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