(For honor) Chapter 17

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Third person POV:

The snow was already falling over Valkenheim, but the Blackstone Legion soldiers decided to venture into enemy territory, regardless of the difficulty of the terrain or the weather. Leading the army was Holden Cross, followed by Amber, and behind her, (Y/N). The three of them had been preparing for this day, and clearing the way for Valkenheim was a task that fell upon their shoulders. Holden signaled to advance and to watch the flanks for a possible ambush.

(Y/N): It's too quiet.

Amber: I don't like it, too. *light punches (Y/N) arm* Stay sharp.

(Y/N): You don't have to tell me twice. 

Amber nodded and both advanced with the contingent of knights along the road, following Holden. They hadn't even advanced 20 meters when the first Viking arrows lit up the sky with their fire.

(Y/N): Great, ambush.

(Y/N) dodged the Viking arrows. Although the column of knights expected to be ambushed along the way, it was still a nuisance for (Y/N). Without wasting another second, (Y/N) began firing at the Vikings approaching the column.

Holden: Protect the column!

(Y/N): On it!

(Y/N) focused their shots on the Viking archers positioned on the sides and on the small bridge. The archers began to fall like flies as the knights made their way along the path. Meanwhile, Amber was with Holden, battling against a Jarl and a Raider.

(Y/N) saw a Viking with an axe and shield attempting to attack Amber from behind while she was engaged in combat with a Raider. Determined to protect Amber, (Y/N) rushed towards the Viking and tackled him to the ground. Swiftly, (Y/N) dispatched him with a clean shot to the head from his rifle. Reloading his AR15, (Y/N) managed to block the attack of another Viking wielding a short sword with the handguard of the rifle just in time. With precise control, (Y/N) redirected the force of the Viking's strike to the left, freeing the handguard of the weapon, and then struck the Viking's head with the butt of the rifle, disorienting him. Finally, (Y/N) delivered a point-blank shot to the Viking's head, neutralizing the threat.

A third Viking decided to test his luck against the Terran, attempting a vertical sword strike. To his misfortune, (Y/N) grabbed his arm, and before the Viking could strike with his shield, (Y/N) fired five shots into his chest, releasing his arm to let him fall to the ground once dead. Meanwhile, Amber decapitated the Raider, and Holden impaled the Jarl, clearing the area where they were.

Amber: Nice moves. I owe you one.

(Y/N): You technically owe me 4.

Before Amber could awnser, Holden interupted them.

Holden: (Y/N). Do the honors.

(Y/N): Understood. *Speaking through his radio* Helios, you have green light to open fire upon enemies on thermal.

Helios: *Speaking through his radio* Copy that Alpha 1.

Helios began firing Hellfire missiles while Holden, Amber, and (Y/N) rejoined the column of knights advancing into enemy territory. The knights, whose hearts were filled with rage and anger towards the enemy, showed neither mercy nor pity. The men were managing to push back the enemy defenses, forcing them to retreat further and further.

Amber: Have no fear!

After a long an bloody pushed that only made the viking losses bigger the three of them, along with the main body of the army, managed to reach the entrance to Valkenheim. At the end of the main road a viking fortress could be seen with it's defenders getting ready. The vikings had cutted of the access to the fortress, by blocking the road with a make shift barricade made out of trees.

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