(For honor) Chapter 18

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Third person POV:

The crates with the recovered SMAWs were being grouped in the main courtyard of the fortress while Holden continued to behead enemies. There were about 20 crates of ammunition and weapons ready and marked to be sent home. There were still about 30 more crates missing, but they were not found in the fortress. However, (Y/N) was confident that the interrogators could extract information from the Vikings about the whereabouts of the missing weapons and ammunition. (Y/N)'s team was gathered around the crates with Billy sitting on them. Night had fallen over Valkenheim, and the soldiers and knights were trying to rest a bit.

(Y/N): Today we did a fine work gentleman.

Frank: Yeah, it was exausting though.

Glen: True.

Gideon: I wonder where the other crates are? And most importatly, where are our guys?

(Y/N): I wonder that too, I am confident that the torturers will be able to get the information out of them though.

Billy: Let's hope so. I don't want to end up serching for 4 years guns and ammo crates.

The knights decided to join in.

Ademar: Hey guys, good work on getying your guns and ammo back. I heard that baldy was impressed with your work (Y/N).

(Y/N): Is he?

Amber: I heard that too. Who wouldn't though. You were able to take out those catapults in a short spam of time. Allowing for the army to cross that road.

(Y/N): Anyone could have done it.

Amber: *puttimg her hand over (Y/N) shoulder.* True, but you did it and that is what it counts.

Stone simply shook his head.

The group chatted for a while as they caught their breath after the long battle. Everyone was conversing when (Y/N) remembered something.

(Y/N): Shit we forgot to check the dugeon.

Frank: Godamn it.

Billy: Do we really have to do it.

(Y/N): Yes, we do. Come on, we will check up the dungeon and you can go back being a lazy ass all you want.

Billy grumbled but eventually cooperated, and the knights also decided to join the search. The group ventured into the dungeons, the knights chatting with the soldiers as they investigated. (Y/N) moved ahead a bit because they preferred to work in silence. After searching for a while, they found nothing. Everyone gathered in the main part of the dungeon.

Billy: Well we just lost 1 hour ofiur free time serching an empty please. Yey.

Ademar: Well the intention wasn't wrong, we could havw found something.

Billy: But we didn't.

Stone took a step forward. The wooden floor made a peculiar noise. This caught the attention of Frank, Glen, and (Y/N). While the entire floor was made of wood and creaked with their steps, this time it made a very peculiar sound, as if it were hollow beneath those wooden planks.

Frank: You guys heard that?

Glen: I did.

Amber: What are you guys talking about

(Y/N): Stone, step aside.

Stone followed (Y/N)'s instructions, moving away from where he was. (Y/N) began applying pressure with his foot on the wooden planks to determine approximately how many planks were covering the hole beneath them.

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