10. Orchids.

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"Dada.... Can I go downtown with Isa's mom? She promised to take us for summerside popsicles..." Feather whined with teary eyes as Hyunjin was busy with the shop. Today she wasn't really feeling good and Hyun was paranoid that maybe she didn't want to go to school that's why she lied.

"But you said you had a fever, baby"

"I don't now.... And you know I never had" Feather confessed.

"I know... And you don't take leaves quite often. What happened? Will you tell me?" Hyunjin asked keeping all tasks away and having a talk with daughter.

"It's nothing .."

"Don't keep things from me. You'd have no sleep tonight and in that way I'll have no sleep tonight watching you staying awake and then I'll stay awake too and tomorrow the shop will-"

"Okay okay dada! Oh my popsicles! You talk too much. I'm telling you now, mouth shut" feather said holding a bunch of her hair.

"So... I didn't get the first position in class" she said pouting. "oh that's completely fine" "no it isn't! You and char worked so hard. I even didn't attend the fireworks parade and all. But still that Zed took the best student thing this year " feather said.

"It was his luck baby. He might've worked harder. And maybe the best for this year. That doesn't mean you're not worthy. You're more. In my, char's and your teachers' eyes" Hyunjin said.

"But still... You promised me-"

"Oh so that's the problem. You want your lil cycie?" Hyunjin asked as she nodded low with lit up face.

"I'll think about it. But for that you need to stop sulking and be a happy kid. And not ask for going away from me" Hyunjin ordered.

"Aww I'm not running away. I'll be back in just an hour. And exams were so hard, I tell you Hwang Hyunjin" she said dramatically pacing up the room as Hyunjin laughed.

"Cmere" he said opening his arms as she ran a little. And comforted into his embrace. Him kissing her head for a million times now and her breathing normal after the confession. "is zed a bitch to you?" He asked. "noo... Not after the punch" she said
Making Hyunjin laugh and then realise what she just said. "you punched him?! No baby you don't do that. You'll be expelled and how long will you keep your short temper and you'll get expelled from each school and-"

"Ah calm down. The Hwang blood is really nonstop blaburling" she said "it's blabbering" he corrected as she ticked an imaginary box.

"Can I go now?" She asked as she saw Isa's mom outside the shop " yeah let me have a talk with her and give money" Hyunjin said "oh adults" she muttered and shrugged.

"Hi Hyun! How have you been?" Isa's mom asked.

"I'm great. Thankyou! And please take care of Feather. Her whinings won today"

"It's absolutely fine. Isa misses her already now that classes will be changing next year "

"Ah. Is she a sweetheart? Impossible " Hyunjin said dramatically and isa laughed. "she mah bestfriend! But I'm jealous. You're her bestfriend though. She didn't make me hers in the game" isa said as she loved conversing with uncle Hyunjin sometimes.

"Aw that's not the right thing... Don't be jealous. I don't even know most of her secrets but you know right?"

"I do!" Isa exclaimed, happy now.

"She's a real sweetie." Isa's mom said. "Yeah a chatterbox you mean." Hyunjin teased. "you mean you? Hwang Hyunjin?" Feather said back. "okay now go!" Hyunjin said as he watched them go in the car.

He stood staring the silhouette of car in the sunset and with hands in his pocket took a deep breath. He could be anywhere right now, like in a bar or at some club, in a movie, on a date.... But he just didn't want to.

He wondered what made him think so.

He went back to adjust some pots and add fertilizer drop by drop into them.

"Hello?" He said as he got a call.

"Hello! I'm stacy... Actually I needed to order some orchids and my husband will be on his way in half hour. He's just passing by" the customer said.

"Ah right. Yeah! You'll get your orchids and I'll keep them ready... But it's just that I'm not gonna give you as you aren't inviting me to your baby shower" he said.

"Aw Hyunjin. You're always invited dear. But I didn't knew you'd remember this!"

"I did. It's not like everyone in this street gets pregnant together " he joked.

Stacy was a regular customer living right at the end of the bloc when Hyunjin first came here. They built a friendship over the time and stacy found a guy she could crush on for a time duration when he visited his flowershop. After a long time stacy finally saw that guy again when he was there to return his roses after being dumped by some newyorkie girl. She was happy. And she was his roundabound. And Hyunjin was happy to be a matchmaker. She then moved with him at the outer town. And was only frequently in contact. Still he was happy that he wedded her to the best man who could take care of her and keep her safe always.

"Okay wait for my husband and don't scare him with future responsibilities. Please" stacy joked as Hyunjin laughed heartily. "I can tell you he won't stay one second and just take it all and leave. But wait. I can deliver it to your address if you want" Hyunjin proposed.

"No no. He just wanted to have a chat with you. Really. He knows how great of a parent you are to Feather darling." She said. A beam of light inside Hyunjin now.

"Ah fine. I'll charge more for the time waste" Hyunjin joked "you better not!" She said and they had a hearty laugh and hung up.

After a while her husband yakashi appeared and they sat for a while and talked with cups of coffee. He was so teary after realising he's gonna be a dad soon.  Taking tips on early baby growth and carefulness in everything. Giving baby enough time and care. And always being there for stacy too. Hyun was happy to share funny stories of early days of feather. How fun she was only when she was sleeping. Other wise she was a real pain in ass.

The conversation went on and after an hour yakashi went back with his flowers.

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