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The entire wizarding world knew of the famous prophecy. Everyone had heard it, seen it plastered in bold in the front of the Daily Prophet.

Albus Dumbledore, an astonishingly brilliant wizard of his time, had the pleasure of being present when this prophecy was read. Him being one of the few the news of the "Chosen One" had first reached.

The seer sat at the table, shaking as she mumbled incoherent words, sweat forming on her brow. The room was quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The tension in the room was almost unbearable, people leaning in their chairs to be sure they didn't miss what was said by the women.

Suddenly, she gasped, opening her eyes for the first time in the hours they had been sitting infront the rattly room. Her eyes glowed with blue and she sat up straight.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Gasps filled the air as people mumbled, trying to make sense of the prophecy. Dumbledore didn't fail to notice a cloaked man standing up from his chair frantically, darting out of the room, making Dumbledore frown.

Others shuffled out of the room slowly, taking in the shock of the prophecy until only Dumbledore and Profesor McGonagall were left. The seer had fallen unconscious after she made her prophecy, and had been laid on the table.

Mcgonagall quickly shuffled over to Dumbledore.

"Albus! What shall we do? If word gets to he-who-shall-not-be-named, he might end up killing all the children who might be the chosen one!" Dumbledore sighed looking at the chair the cloaked man had occupied before.

"I'm afraid we might be too late." Dumbledore said, making Mcgonagall frown.

"What do you-?" Mcgonagall started before she was sharply cut off by the seer shooting up, her eyes glowing of blue once again.

"The chosen one will be aided by the one whom he is destined to love. Daughter to the purest of families, born the same year as the sixth month takes its first breath. The one who shares a womb with her complete oposite, yet share a face. The girl will bring the chosen one to victory, for he cannot succeed without her by his side. She holds the ability to see even in her sleep. She holds the future of the wizarding world in her hands."

The seer once again dropped down, unconscious. Dumbledore stood shocked. He hadn't expected anything like this. Mcgonagall took a shaky breath, holding the chair next to her to stable herself.

"What on earth. The sixth month is already upon us! Who could this be about?" Mcgonagall asked frantically.

"One could assume this prophecy is about the young Malfoy girl. Just born June 5th. Twin to her brother, whom she shared a womb with." Dumbledore said calmly, still staring at the unconscious seer.

McGonagall gasped quickly walking to his side.

"If that is true, this prophecy must never get out! The Malfoys are that man's closest followers, and if they hear this prophecy, no doubt she will be killed before she even gets the chance to speak!"

Dumbledore shook his head.

"I have no intention of this prophecy being known anytime soon. When the time comes, it will be known. But until then, it stays between us two."

McGonagall sighed taking a step back.

"I pray that we make it to that day."

The news of the first prophecy spread quickly, and even quicker when news of the Potter boy being born on the 31 of July.

It was all people talked about, and once the fateful night came when the Potter boy survived the killing curse, killing the dark lord came and passed, the prophecy quickly became a story in wizarding homes.

It was famous, as was the orphan whom it described, but no one knew of the second prophecy. Just as fateful as the first. The one describing the chosen ones "destined love" and how she would ultimately be the decider of the fate of the wizarding world. Mcgonagall could only pray, the young Malfoy girl would not grow up to have the ideals of her family.


Celeste Malfoy had a quite enjoyable upbringing. She had a loving mother, and a not so loving father but she didn't ponder on that. A brother whom she had spent her entire life by, despite how annoying he could be. She lived in a big house with her own huge bedroom, filled to the brim with more jewelry and clothing she could imagine.

She got to attend magnificent parties and balls, dressed to the nines. People complimenting her wherever she went.

Celeste didn't want to have it any other way.

Her happiness only sky rocketed when she got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, the best wizarding school in the world.

She got everything she needed, her mother insisting on buying her a completely new wardrobe practically, and was able to set off on this new chapter in her life. Alongside her annoying twin.

She was sorted into Slytherin, though it took a bit longer for the hat to decided compared to her brother, despite her pleading. Draco made sure to emphasize that in his letter back home.

She quickly learned however, being a Malfoy wasn't all that pleasant outside of the Pureblood Slytherin world she was used too. Especially when her brother was constantly picking on those around him.

No matter how hard she tried, she learned she would always be guilty by association. People feared her, simply because of her last name. So she learned to accept that she would always be considered an evil Slytherin.

And she prayed she would break free from those shackles one day.

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