Chapter 18

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Days go by as they continue to wait for the poachers to show up. With the information they have gathered thus far, there isn't much for Haela, Kadrick, and Josué to do during the day. The two Hit Wizards – along with the Hit Wizards the Andorran Ministry sent – continue to check the perimeter during the daytime on top of the nightly patrols.

This leaves Haela with a lot of free time and not much to do. She could return to Britain – seeing her job as Curse Specialist on site is over now – but she's hesitant to leave. Haela tells herself it's because she wants to be there when the poachers are brought to justice but, deep down, she knows it has something to do with the red-haired Dragonologist with his charming smile and his stupid blue eyes and...

"... getting the feeling you're not listening to me."

"Huh?" Haela looks up at Aurora who regards her with a knowing smile, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was telling you about the summer solstice that will take place next weekend, but you weren't listening."

"Sorry," Haela apologizes. The blonde Dragonologist shrugs and bumps their shoulders together, "No worries. It was clear your mind was somewhere else. Or should I say, someone else."

Haela snaps her head up at the woman in alarm. She hadn't realised she was being this obvious with her infatuation. Aurora laughs at Haela's reaction.

Before either woman can continue, they are interrupted by Darius walking up to where they are seated in the grass near the edge of the camp. He and Charlie have been training with the Common Welsh Green siblings all day. If Darius is here, Charlie must be close behind. Haela forces herself not to look around and seek him out.

Haela has no idea what kind of face she is making, but Darius sends her a blinding smile and asks: "Why the sour face? You should smile more, darling, much better than a frown. Those will only give you wrinkles."

Holding back the urge to roll her eyes at the man, Haela notices that Charlie has joined them. Darius, realising his coworker is standing beside him, nudges Charlie and says: "Don't you agree, amic? Doesn't she look better when she smiles?"

Charlie frowns slightly, looking between Haela and Darius with narrowed eyes. The air starts getting tense as Darius flashes Haela another toothy grin.

Aurora clearly notices the change in the air and turns back to Haela. With an unnaturally cheerful tone of voice, she asks: "Weren't you saying something about that upcoming Quidditch match?"

Haela turns to the woman, a little confused, but answers: "Yes, my friends and I managed to get tickets through one of our friends who plays for Puddlemere United."

"Oliver still plays for Puddlemere United?" Charlie asks, posture relaxing.

"Yes," Haela nods. Remembering Acelina's letter she received that morning, she adds: "Percy wrote he got you a ticket as well. I hope we have time to go – rumour has it that it's set to be interesting."

"Are they playing against the Andorran National Quidditch Team?" Aurora asks.

Haela nods but before she can respond, Darius interrupts: "I was almost scouted for the team right out of school. I didn't take the offer since I was heading to Brazil for my Masters in Dragon Studies."

He winks at Haela and adds: "I like to think I still have it in me. I could show you some-"

"I was the Seeker and Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team back at school. We won the Quidditch Cup three times under my command," Charlie blurts out, catching everyone by surprise.

Beside Haela, Aurora lets out a laugh. Quickly, the blonde-haired Dragonologist covers her mouth with her hand as everyone turns to her. She waves away their looks.

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