Chapter 19

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Haela isn't proud of it, but the next day, she avoids Charlie to the best of her ability. Despite her heart still pounding from the realisation she's falling for Charlie and their almost-kiss, she decides it's fine. Everything would be just fine. She can certainly make it through the following days before heading back home where she can pretend that none of it happened in the first place and get over the inevitable heartbreak that will come with.

Unfortunately, Haela could only avoid the Dragonologist during the day. At night, they would still patrol together.

She had debated whether she should ask someone to switch with her but ultimately decided not to. She's a grown woman, she'll survive patrol with Charlie. Like she said, everything is going to be fine.

Similarly to the past few days, Charlie awaits her at the edge of the camp with a mug of coffee ready. With a dashing smile, Charlie hands her the mug. Fuck, Haela thinks, there is it again... that feeling, like her heart is suddenly too big for her ribcage, like it's starting to take up too much space, constricting her lungs.

She barely gets a thank-you over her lips and quickly takes a sip of the scalding liquid – immediately regretting it as she burns her tongue.

Kadrick and Darius show up minutes later, landing on the ground before updating them about the perimeter. It's weird that the poachers haven't shown up – especially because Vaezor told them his contact would have a shipment of Common Welsh Green hide ready in a few days. Haela can't help but think the poachers must be watching them and have realised their patrols have increased. Perhaps they lay dormant, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

After bidding Kadrick and Darius goodbye, Charlie and Haela walk the perimeter. Charlie, in his usual fashion, strikes up a conversation and tells Haela about his first winter at the sanctuary.

"Darius and Phillipe took me skiing," Charlie winces, "I hadn't skied before but they insisted it was very easy and I didn't need lessons."

"I'm guessing it wasn't very easy?" Haela questions when she sees Charlie's face.

"Oh no," the man shakes his head, "We went down one of the more 'easier' slopes – which in retrospect, definitely wasn't designed for beginners. I fell, obviously, and ended up with a torn rotator cuff."

Charlie pulls a face and adds: "I took lessons the next year."

"You went skiing again after tearing your rotator cuff?!"

"Benefit of skiing with a Healer, they can treat you on site. Didn't even have to see a Muggle doctor."

"Merlin's beard," Haela mutters.

Charlie grins at her. "I'd like to say I've gotten better at it since then."

They pass one of the beacons at the edge of the camp and start slowly making their way to the training grounds.

"What else do you guys do around here for fun?" Haela asks, wrapping her jacket a little tighter around herself, "Surely you must get some free time."

"Isaac gives us plenty of time off, he insisted we get to see and experience Andorra to the fullest. The people are kind and very proud of their culture. We often celebrate the national days in one of the towns nearby."

Charlie is silent for a moment and Haela turns to look at him. He's not facing her and she can see him take a deep breath as if he's preparing himself for something.

"One of those festivities is the summer solstice. It's actually in a few days. They celebrate with bonfires and music."

"That sounds like a good time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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