Thomas Nash (season 1 episode 16)

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Cut back to inside the room with Coulson and Nash.

Coulson: Don't touch anything. We need this room swept for explosives.

AwNash: There are no traps here, A.

Natasha: That's the clairvoyant?

Peter: He looks like he is suffering from Cancer or something.

Skye: He really does

May waves in a few of the soldiers to look around.

Nash: You're here because we are destined to meet.

Garrett: You're the Clairvoyant?

Nash: I'm Thomas Nash. Mr. Po gave me that other name. A bit dramatic for my taste.

Skye: Only thing I agree on. It's not a cool name like Deathlock.

Some people sigh

Coulson: Eyes open, everybody. We don't know where Deathlok is or who else is down here.

Nash: Mr. Peterson is gone. I cut his feed, so you won't find him.

Coulson: But you had him lead us here. Why?

Nash: So I could see you with my own eyes instead of his. Now I understand why I couldn't see you after you died – because you, yourself, could not see. You were simply a broken man who did not know he was broken.

Coulson looks over to the monitor that is displaying Nash's words, then back to Nash.

Coulson: You're one to talk.

Natasha: Oh coulsons gone sassy

Clint; He's learning from the kid.

Skye: why thank you.

Garrett: Let's pack this freak off to The Fridge where he belongs.

Nash: Agent Garrett, look at me. Do you believe you can confine me any more than this chair?

Tony: He has got a point.

Steve: I have a feeling he isn't the clairvoyant because why would he surrender so easily and be in that chair no protection.

Garrett: Can somebody please tell me how we turn that stupid voice thing off?

Skye: It is really annoying. Highly annoying and... creepy..

Nash: I will join Raina in your prison, Agent Coulson, but I will see you wherever you go, just as I saw you holding Skye in your arms, bleeding...

Skye takes a breath in.

Skye: How does he know about that?

Wanda: He supposedly has telepathy or something.

Natasha: Can you do that? See something happening?

Wanda: I mean. I don't know. I was able to see when Pietro died but he was my brother so I don't know.

The mention of Skye's name hits a chord with Ward, he looks angrily at Nash obviously remembering that The Clairvoyant had Quinn shoot Skye. May even piques at his words.

Natasha: He is striking a chord in everyone.

Clint; You can see it in their faces

Sam: That man is delusional. He's the one who ordered Quinn to shoot Skye.

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