Chapter 12 - Out The Box.

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As we made our way home I remembered Armando Bought a Toy. Armando tried hard to not look at me because He was mad at me for running to see new Mer-people. "Atlas." Armando said in a Quiet tone. "Yes?" I said, He then pulled out the toy Merman out of his bag. "It reminds me of you, I Mean it just looks exactly like you. His name is Atticus It says it right here." As He pointed to the wide letters on the side of the box. I went to grab the toy but Armando pulled away. "Wait till we get home to open it." He said.

*****AT HOME*****

I ran to the door opening it but no luck I really wanted to play with this Toy Armando bought. "Wait Atlas."


"Wait Atlas." I said going faster and unlocked the door, He looked confused "What?" he said "Nothing" I said jokingly. He was too fast since he got better with his legs. We both slumped down on the couch and I gave Atlas the doll to play with. He opened it and played with the removable tail piece "One day, Do you think I can be like you with only feet." Atlas said with a gloom on his face "Honey? Why would you ask a question like that?" I replied. "Why would he ask a question like that? I Swear he lives forever or some cheesy shit like that but..." I thought to myself. "I.. Don't have a Idea." He said "Just come here." I told him, He came into my arms slowly adapting to my warmth.


I felt really sad, "Will I Be able to walk around, take showers and be a human?" I thought. "Atlas. Are you crying?" Armando asked Tears escaped the corners of my eyes. "Why can't I be normal." I asked. "Atlas, You're my normal." Armando said.

*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****

Hey guys it's R and today i cut this chapter short it was supposed to be last weeks im so sorry guys but i will get back on track asap BTW no chapter releases thursday and friday, state testing.



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