Part-23 Abhay and Nyra's First Date

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(Tasmia gets a call from Zayan)

Tasmia: *Answering the phone* "Hello?"

Zayan: "Tasmia... it's me, Zayan."

Tasmia: "Zayan, are you okay? You sound unwell."

Zayan: "I... I need to apologize. I'm so sorry for what happened earlier."

Tasmia: "Zayan, it's okay. We can talk about it later. But right now, you need to focus on getting better. You don't sound well at all."

Zayan: "I know, but... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Tasmia: "Zayan, I understand. Please don't worry about it. Your health is more important right now. Just rest and take care of yourself."

Zayan: "Thank you, Tasmia. I'll try to rest. I... I think I need to lie down for a bit."

Tasmia: "Do that, Zayan. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. I'll be there for you."

Zayan: "Thank you, Tasmia. You're too kind."

Tasmia: "Take care, Zayan. Get some rest."

*As Tasmia ends the call, she senses that something isn't right. Worried about Zayan's well-being, she quickly grabs her keys and rushes to his house.*

Tasmia: *Arriving at Zayan's house and rushing to his room* "Zayan! Are you okay? Zayan!"

Tasmia: *Panicked* "Zayan! Oh my God, what happened? I need to call the doctor!"

Zayan: *Weakly* "No, Tasmia... please don't leave me alone..."

Tasmia: *Torn between urgency and Zayan's plea* "But Zayan, you need medical attention! I can't just-"

Zayan: *Interrupting, with desperation* "Please, Tasmia... stay with me. I don't want to be alone..."

*Tasmia hesitates, torn between her concern for Zayan's health and his desperate request. Finally, she makes a decision and sits beside him, holding his hand tightly.*

Tasmia: *Softly* "Okay, Zayan. I'll stay with you. Just try to relax, okay? Everything will be alright."

*Zayan manages a weak nod, grateful for Tasmia's presence. With her by his side, he begins to feel a sense of comfort, despite his condition.*

Tasmia: *Noticing Zayan shivering* "Zayan, you're feeling cold. Here, let me warm you up."

*She wraps her arms around him, pulling him close, trying to share her body heat to warm him.*

Zayan: *Weakly* "Thank you, Tasmia... I feel a little better now..."

*As Zayan relaxes in Tasmia's embrace, she gently strokes his hair, comforting him. Eventually, both of them drift off to sleep, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the uncertainty of the night.*


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