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Felix's pov-

Today was the last day of the trip. To be honest, I was gonna miss sharing a room with Chan, not that it mattered. We'd probably never be this close anymore... We'd go back to being enemies and never talking.

Or would we?

"Everyone on the bus, we need to go. Make sure you don't leave anything in the rooms, please."

I rolled my suitcase onto the base and looked around, sighing when I saw almost every seat taken.


Chans seat was the only one open, Jisung and Jeongin were sitting together, Hyunjin and Seungmin, who probably threw a fit, and Changbin and Minho.

Chans eyes met mine, and he gestured for me to sit down beside him, so I walked down the aisle after putting my bag upfront, stepping over people's legs that were in the

When I reached his spot, he stood up and gave me the window seat, I gave him a small smile and sat down, once he sat down the bus started moving.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I couldn't really focus on that when Chan was so close, even accidentally touching my thigh when we hit a bump. I ended up falling asleep wishing the bumpy ride would stop soon. My head was gonna have a bruise from the stupid window.

When I woke up, surprisingly, my head didn't hurt.. probably because my head was on chans shoulder, and his head was on my head as he scrolled through social media.How the heck did my head get here? Did I fall over on him or what? But I didn't move, just looked out the window as the trees went by.

"We're almost there... you slept for almost more than half the trip, and uh..your head would of probably been hurting if you kept it there..so I moved it to my shoulder" Chans voice rang through my head surprisingly soft and almost as if he cared...

'Ah, so that's how my head got here,' I thought as I shifted to lay my head more comfortably on his shoulder.

"Ok..thank you..how much longer do we got till we're back?"  

'More like how much longer do I have to be with you'

"About an hour and a half, you can sleep more, I'll wake you up when we're closer,"

I nodded and looked behind me, smiling softly when I had seen Jisung and Changbjn switched seats, Minho had his earbud in, and Jisung had one in aswell, they were sharing one. So much for Jisung not liking Minho.

It's such a messy love story where one loves the other and the other doesn't. I just hope Minho doesn't hurt him.. I might not have known the squirrel boy for long, but I'd still protect him with my life.


Thanks for reading,

14643 ❤️

Have an amazing day

Sleep tight, lovelys🦋☺️

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