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When we got back, I unpacked my stuff and laid down, thinking back to the trip.

Would Chan still be like this? Probably not... but it was nice while it lasted. He just made my crush on him go up way more.

It's been a few days since the trip and the first day back to school..fun.

That was sarcasm, by the way..

Felix put on black jeans and a white sweater, brushing his teeth, then walking out the door to school.

Once there, Felix hot his things out of his locker and went into the first hour, Jisung was there. Surprisingly, I'd never seen him, but now.. I was pretty happy he was here

My first friend

"Hi Felix," speaking of the squirrel boy."Hi Jisung, how are you?"

"I'm fine and you?"I'm go-" I was cut off by someone running in and quickly yelling. There's a fight outside. Everyone ran out of the room like the plague, but Me and Jisung walked as we followed them, and sure enough, a crowd of people were surrounded by two boys on the floor.

My eyes widened when I saw Chan on top of the guy, punching his already bleeding nose. I pushed through everyone and tried to grab Chans arm to pull him away, but he swung it back and hit my nose blindly.

I stepped back in shock, holding my nose as a few drops of blood started to flow. That caught his attention. He looked at him with soft eyes, but they soon hardened up. He rolled his eyes and left, leaving me and everyone else. 'What the heck.'


I ended up going to the nurse to get an ice pack. Time had flown by because I was busy thinking about the encounter with Chan

Just like how he was before...

Soon I was jn my last hour, Chan was in the class sitting in his seat at the very back. I gave him a soft smile, but he looked away. I frowned and sat in the front.

The rest of the day was a blur. I don't remember much other than Chan ignoring me. But I did see seungmin, Jeongin and Jisung. They actually wanted to be my friend, unlike others.

But the strange thing was that when I got home I got a message from an unknown number but that's not the strange part

It said
We can't be friends or whatever we were before anymore, leave me alone.


This was rushed because it was before school I'll make another after school.

Love you all♡

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