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I waited in the cafe, sipping a hot chocolate. Staring outside as I waited for someone to make their appearance.

I looked to the door as it dinged and smiled.  Changbin smiled back and walked over to where I sat. "Hey Jeongin.. how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine. How are you, binnie?"

And just like that, we started conversation. Went to the park, and went to his house after.We watched a few movies and then ordered food. After eating we started to watch a movie.

"Changbin?"Hm?" He responded and looked at me. I took a breath and whispered. "I... like you..."  it was silent, and I was thinking I made a mistake before a hand grabbed mine gently. "Really?" I looked at him, and he was smiling. I nodded, and he leaned forward to peck my lips. "I like you to Jeongin..."


Jisungs pov

"School is stupid...like why do we have to learn about algebra...I don't want to find x they left for a reason."

Seungmin only rolled his eyes, felix giggled....and i.n didn't say anything. He hasn't said anything the whole time. Seungmin must have noticed, he always does when something is wrong with one of us.

"Innie sweetie...what's wrong?"

No response.

That really set off the mothering instincts in Seungmin.

He grabbed Jeongins arm and pulled him with him, telling the both of us to go ahead and go to lunch. Following his words, we went to lunch.

"What do you think happened?" Felix whispered. I only shrugged. Jeongin had been my first friend.. he brought me into his and Seungmins circle. I couldn't help being quiet when he was as well.

When we got there, Minho and Chan walked over to us. "Jisung, what's wrong, baby?" I looked at Minho and walked over to him. He took me in his arms and led me over to the table, pulling me in his lap once he sat down.


Felix..what's wrong with Jisung, and where's the others?"

I looked up at him and shrugged. "Seungmins talking to Innie right now...I guess it's just put Jisung off."

He nodded and brought me over to the table, Chan gave me some of his food despite me saying no, thank you. Hyunjin was watching the doors as well as Changbin.

Needless to say, everyone was worried.


"Innie baby..what's going on?"

He looked at me with sad eyes. "M-me and Changbin a-are dating"

Smiling softly, I held his hand, "That's great. Innie Changbin is a go-"  "No, it's not..what if he decides he doesn't want me like the others. What if he onky wants me for specific reasons like the others!"

I sighed softly and held both his hands. "Jeongin, listen to me. Changbin isn't like them. They were stupid assholes. They didn't deserve you. But Changbin does because I know he won't hurt you. I know he will always love you. I know that because....I just do."

No need to tell him that Changbin was being a hurt puppy when Jeongin wouldn't text him and was asking if Jeongin would like him. Or if he'd be good enough for Jeongin.

So we walked back to the other hand in hand. Jeongin let my hand go once he saw Changbin, walking over to him hastly. Meanwhile, I took my time in walking, and once I was close enough, I sat down in Hyunjin's lap.


"Chan stop...I have to study." I giggled softly as Chan kissed my neck and then laid his head in my lap, looking up at me.

I smiled at him, then put my focus on studying, trying to ignore the curious hands exploring under my shirt. Or when he sat up and pressed kisses all over me face and neck. And once he successfully got me distracted, he put my books on the floor and kissed my jaw again. "Enough studying... I want my baby's attention."

I rolled my eyes softly but kissed him back when I could, even when he started undressing us both, taking his time as he pressed kisses on every inch of skin he could reach.

What did I do to deserve him. Because I don't.


How are you all doing?

Love you, get some rest loves ❤️

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