14 1 6

Before I begin with this chapter I need to tell you some things, so I showed  my nephew who is 7, pictures of straykids and he took a liking to I.n and felix then I showed him God's menu and he said he liked chans voice, he said it's very cute and beautiful. He didn't give much of a reaction to Felix's voice until I was like, "Does his voice sound different than what you thought?" and he was like "yeah"

Ok, that's it, lol


Jisungs pov–

I looked at Minho, who was sitting with his friends, me, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Felix were across from them under a different tree. Seungmin whacked me with his hand softly and gave me a look. I pouted, and I smiled poking my cheek. I glared at him, but he only giggled.

An hour later, we were walking around, we being me and felix. "Jisung, shh, do you hear that?"

I stopped walking and looked around. A faint meow being heard, I perked up slightly and followed it, just as an orange cat with a small white patch on its face and forehead walked forward.

Felix walked to it and crouched, letting the cat walk up to him before picking it up." Let's go show the others!" Felix said after giving the cat to me. We made our way back to the others. We must have been loud enough for the Minhos group to hear because soon they were over here aswell.

Minho made a look and looked at the cat hesitating, so I walked to him and grabbed his hand, putting it on the cat, blushing after. Something must have snapped in him because he smiled and petted the cat more. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the cutest thing ever.

Now that our group was together, Seungmin sat with his back against Hyunjin's chest, his arms around Seungmins waist and his chin on his shoulder. Felix had broken the awkward silence by sitting in the same position as Seungmin just by Chan. Seungmin gave him a look, but we seemed to catch on pretty quickly as Chan interlocked both his hands with Felix's and softly rubbed his thumb over them.

Me and Minho sat together with the cat, which we found out was a boy, and Minho had given him the name Doongie. Once it got darker, we left the park, and Minho decided to take Doongie with him, but not before he volunteered to drive me home, which, of course, I said yes.

While in the car, it was completely silent beside me occasionally talking to Doongie. Once he parked by my drive-in, I unbuckled and went to open the door, but my wrist was caught by none other than Minho.

He hesitated. " a-aren't you gonna sat bye to Doongie...?"

I smiled and grabbed the kitty, putting my nose in his neck, nuzzling him. "Bye-bye Doong Doong." I gave him a kiss and went to leave again, but this time my hand was caught. I gave Minho a look, and he looked away. "Wanna come inside?" I said, barely above a whisper.

And that's how we ended up in my room, Doongie drinking out a small bowl filled with water. I tried not to look at Minho because I could feel him looking at me.
After a few minutes, I looked at him, and he didn't look away. He looked in my eyes, and I looked in his, not moving.

Out of the blue, he grabbed me and pulled him down, hovering over me. "Jisung...do you like me?" I shook my head fastly and blushed. He smiled and tilted his head, using his thumb and index finger to keep my head facing him. "Then why do you blush so much around me...why do you stare at me so much?" I huffed. "Why were you staring at me. Hm?"

He smiled more, "Because...I wanna get to know you." he leaned down and pressed his lips over mine, my eyes closing slowly. He moved a hand to my waist and the other to interlock my hands and put them above my head.

He bit my bottom lip and tugged, slipping his tongue in when my lips parted. Only moving away when a soft meow was heard and Doongie layed on the bed.


Finally everyone is getting together besides changbin and I.n

How is everyone doing?

Take a break, get some water and take a nice nap or warm shower

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