
30 2 14

One week.

One week, and he hasn't even glanced at me

I'm going insane.. Why won't he talk to me.

Walking  over to the gym where Chan and his friends are playing basketball. I walk in and walk over to Chan, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to the locker rooms.

"Why the hell have you been ignoring me?"
I don't know why I was mad..I mean I was perfectly fine with him ignoring me before, so what's different now.

I don't know if he was more shocked since I cussed or because I had the nerve to drag him away in front of his friends when he's supposed to be like the popular guy.

"Well? Are you gonna answer me?"

He stared at me..that was it..just stared.
I rolled my eyes and turned away, ready to just forget about the whole thing.

But i felt a hand on my elbow pulling me around, and all of a sudden, his lips are on mine. My eyes are wide but soom I close them and relax into the kiss.

It's even better in real life (I totally didn't imagine kissing the man of my dreams)

And just as soon as it started, it ended

He's just staring at me, but with a smile, I glare at him and smack his chest.

"Why the he-" I go to yell at him again, but he's kissing me again. Just a small peck

"Sorry..I've been wanting to do that.."


"W-what do you mean.."

"I mean that I've been wanting to kiss you..I've liked you even since that vacation..he'll even before that. I just didn't want to like you. I didn't want to like you because I didn't want to hurt you."


"Where are we going Hyunjin" Seungmin rolled his eyes but let Hyunjin drag him through the woods.

Hyunjin didn't answer and instead stopped at a big tree that had a ladder leading up to a tree house. It was pretty big and was nicely lit. Hyunjin helped me up then sat down. We stayed silent for awhile nor knowing what to say or do.

"Hyunjjn why are we he-"

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.

He's kissing me. He's fucking kissing me.

My eyes closed willingly and kissed him back slightly. He took it as a sign and put his hand on my cheek and his other on my hips. Pulling me closer.

Only pulling away to breathe. I looked at him and he stared back. "I'm sorry..I should ha-" this time I kissed him. Hard. Why did he have to make my heart race and my dick hard. Why did I like him. That's what I asked myself everyday.

Soon my back met the floor and his hands were under my shirt. Did I want this? I wasn't sure. Maybe since it's with him it's fine.

Because he won't hurt me. He never will.
And I know it's a fact.


Last chapter before I graduate on the fourth :)

I'm so nervous but excited
I will be going back to posting every other day.

Love you lots
Get a good night sleep

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