Chapter 7: End of this hectic party

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Hi everyone! I apologize so much for making you all wait a while. I hope you can enjoy this chapter, and have a good day!


Sasori Pov
As we walked out of the building at 11am, I was carrying the sleeping blonde again. I don't know what I'm doing anymore, I shouldn't be giving into all of this.
"Is he finally dead?" Kisame asked. "He's quite a bother if you ask me."
"No Kisame but I disagree that he isn't just quite a bother, but he is a big bother." I said back.
"If he was I'm not sure why you're carrying him right now." Itachi added on.
I simply ignored him as we got in the car one by one. This was definitely a tiring day. I'm so ready to get home.

*at the hideout*

I put the blonde down on his bed and put his blanket over him. I really should just kill this brat for what he did to me at MY birthday party!! Whatever.

Pain Pov
Once we got back home, I quickly changed. Konan did as well.
"Hey Pain, don't you think something funny is happening about Sasori? He usually doesn't "pity" anybody right?" Konan asked me.
I nodded at her.
"It's funny."
She laughed to my comment.
"We should ask him whats going on with them right Konan?"
"You're right Pain!"
We walked over to Sasori's and the Blonde's room, to see him putting a Blanket over Deidara. He then turned around to see me and Konan standing at his doorway.
"Please get out respectfully." he shouted at us while putting something in his closet.
"No, come over here!" Konan shouted back.
I saw him roll his eyes and came outside of the room and faced us.
"What's going on between you and HIM. You're being really nice to him, it's kind of weird. Are you trying to turn him into a "new puppet for your favorite collection" again?" She asked the redhead.
"Of course not! Look, I'm only being a nice dude to him because it was HIS welcoming party! Plus, I'm not ever doing this again because all he did gave me for my birthday was a babysitting job. And next, do you have a problem with it? Wouldn't you mind me being friendly once in a while?" The redhead said, angrily.
"Whatever you say.. I still believe you two are pretty connected for some reason." She said, walking away.
"Goodnight Sasori." I told him while he was still pretty angry.

Sasori Pov
Damn, I hate them a lot. Well I don't.. I just hate them when they do this! I slammed the door behind me while plopping myself on my bed.
I do kind of agree with Konan though. I think I'm being pretty weird for being nice to him. I wonder why? Am I really that connected to him? Overall, he really just is an annoying brat to me.. so why? This is all so confusing. I then got up and walked over to his bed. I quickly analyzed him. He really has long hair. It looks soft too.. I would touch it but I don't wanna seem weird at all after what Konan said. I'll just get water or something.
I walked down the stairs of our hideout. Hidan and Kakuzu were sitting on the couch arguing as always as I walked to the cabinet to get a glass.
"Kakuzu it's not my fault that you didn't get ANY money tonight!!" Hidan yelled. Hes way too loud for this time of day.
"Shut up! Just go upstairs to the room you annoying brat!!" He shouted back.
I walked to the fridge to get water. Once my glass was full, I walked back up stairs to the room again, questioning myself the same exact questions earlier.
I opened the door to hear him snoring. And he was loud as hell. I face palmed and drank some water out of my glass and placed it on my desk.
I should sleep now.
I went on my bed and dozed off.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed the story. I'll release Chapter 8 ASAP! (I may publish it today!)
Thanks for reading :)

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